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Police Use of Force (Essay Sample)

The task was to compose an essay paper discussing the topic of police use of force. IT explored various aspects such as the legal framework surrounding police force, its ethical implications, and potential reforms to mitigate excessive force. The essay examined real-life case studies, statistical data, and scholarly research to provide a comprehensive analysis of the subject matter. source..
Criminal Justice Name of the student Institution Course Instructor Date Police Use of Force Introduction Using force is one of the highly contentious areas of law enforcement in any given civilization (Garner et al., 2018). Complaints concerning using of force by the police have increased due to recent incidents. They range from incidents involving allegations of excessive force that have been adequately publicized to the introduction of aggressive policing, which frequently focuses on zero-tolerance law enforcement. The kind of police behavior that most alarm the public are deadly shootings, brutal beatings with batons or fists that send the victims to the hospital, and choke holds that lead to unconsciousness or even death (Garner et al., 2018). This research paper's objectives are to analyze the current issue of using force by the police, pinpoint viable solutions, and consider the implications of practical implementation. Detailed discussion Police usage of force is indeed a problem that directly affects crisis management in law enforcement since it can be used to calm volatile situations. The issue with this subject is that it is mostly taken as a first instead of being the last option and also the application of it is uneven to particular groups of people, including the Hispanics and African Americans (Garner et al., 2018). It may sometimes lead to serious damage or even fatalities while also having an undesirable impact on the community. Better police training that gives emphasis to polite conversations as well as de-escalation strategies could be one solution to this matter (Engel et al., 2020). This solution would also entail supplying police personnel with highly advanced non-lethal tools, like beanbag guns and stun guns, as well as establishing precise course of action for what constitutes the suitable usage of force. To ensure that police comply with the law, critics of this solution contend that police agencies should also employ tougher accountability systems in addition to training officers. A lot of the considerable literature on the force used by police emphasizes the necessity of enhanced training, more accountability, and criminal justice system reforms (Wood et al., 2020). To fill this gap in the literature, this research will concentrate on identifying precise strategies which can be utilized to limit using of force by the police officers. If this research is fruitful, there will indeed be a reduction in the incidents of using of force by the officers of law enforcement and also a significant improvement in how courteously police officers engage with the communities that they serve. In addition to increased training, body-worn cameras are also another potential solution to the issue of using of force by police officers. These cameras would film police contacts with the general people, allowing for the verification of protocol compliance and the employment of the proper amount of force (White et al., 2018). Body-worn cameras have another advantage in that they can shield cops from unfounded accusations because the video can be utilized to demonstrate the officer's innocence in situations where wrongdoing is allegedly taking place (White et al., 2018). According to their detractors, body-worn cameras are not a cure-all and may not be beneficial in situations involving unnecessary force and even racial profiling. Using community policing tactics is a third potential answer to the issue of excessive force by police. Community policing entails including the communities in the decision-making process, fostering trust between the public and law enforcement, and using problem-solving techniques to address challenges relating to public safety (Doane & Cumberland, 2018). To foster mutual respect and confidence, this strategy would also entail more meaningful interactions between police and the general people. According to the views of the critics of this idea, involving the community in the processes of decision-making ought to be improved. To ensure that such initiatives are implemented successfully, good resources should be allocated. Conclusion In conclusion, the issue of po...
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