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US Political System Should be Multi-Party (Essay Sample)


The task was to examine the political system of the United States and give reasons why it should be multiparty instead of a two-party system.


US political system should be multi-party
Institution Affiliation
United States is a federal republic in which the president is the head of state or government. The US government has three arms namely the executive headed by the president, legislative branch headed by the congress and the judiciary which encompasses Supreme Court and other federal courts at the lower level. America has a two-party political system that is maintained by the campaign process. In other words, the system of ‘winners take all’ and the duality of political issues are the main reasons to have a two-party system in America (Gitelson, 2012). This paper aims to identify whether it is more preferable to have a two-party system or multi-party system in America. In my opinion, I think it would be better to have a multi-party system in the US.
The Democrats and Republicans are the two major and powerful political parties dominating in the US (Sidlow, 2007). America has remained to be a two-party system regardless of the emergence of third parties. However, I think that there should be a third party or more parties in the US. Having a multi-party system allows voters to have more choices on their leaders. For instance, voters would look for different values presented by the different candidates in a multi-party system before they decide on whom to vote. In addition, having two leaders provides limited ideas for various solutions. Therefore, a multi-party system would be ideal because it would provide more diverse ideas, views and solutions.
Having two main political parties unnecessarily forces the citizens to concede their beliefs just for simplicity. It would be better if there was a third party because each citizen would choose and support the party that fits their values and beliefs. Arbitrarily having two parties to represent all the American citizens is a form of political favoritism which is unacceptable. There are minor parties in the US which rarely succeed in the elections. They include the Libertarian, Green and Constitution parties (Welch, 2012). I think these and other parties should have their voices heard in congress. For instance, they need to have an opportunity to participate in city councils and the state legislatures in America. This would only be possible with the acceptance of a multiparty system.
Having a third or more political parties ensures an effective responsive to change (Leicht, 2010). For instance, we know that there would be a sudden shift in the public opinion. There would also be events that may cause a mood swing in voting. If this happens while having a multi-party system, the parties would enable the federal government to reflect and address this change with fidelity. Thi...
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