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psychology (Essay Sample)

Climate change is one of the controversial environmental topics of the modern world. Some people argue that climate change occurs naturally whereas others label it as a manmade disaster. In any case, the politics of climate change heavily relies on the dependence of the global economy on fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the above-mentioned arguments objectively and impartially. source..
Climate Change Author’s Name Department/University Course number Course name Instructor’s Name Climate Change Climate change is one of the controversial environmental topics of the modern world. Some people argue that climate change occurs naturally whereas others label it as a manmade disaster. In any case, the politics of climate change heavily relies on the dependence of the global economy on fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the above-mentioned arguments objectively and impartially. According to a 2011 scientific study by Kampen, greenhouse gases have a part in raising the temperature of the atmosphere. By capturing solar heat waves and preventing them from escaping back into space, greenhouse gases raise the temperature of the atmosphere, contributing to problems with global warming and climate change. Greenhouse gases are emitted mainly by industrial units and vehicles that use fossil fuels. Therefore, there is nothing wrong in suspecting the hand of the human element in contributing to climate change. However, Turrentine (2021) mentioned the role of both natural and human elements in causing global warming and climate change. Long before humans existed, there have been warming and cooling cycles on Earth. The strength of the sun, volcanic eruptions, and variations in the amounts of naturally existing greenhouse gases are all factors that can affect climate change (Turrentine, 2021). In short, both natural and human elements contribute to climate change problems. There is no point in putting the entire blame for climate change on human shoulders. At the same time, developed countries (rich economies) and underdeveloped countries (poor economies) maintain different perspectives on the issue of climate change. Rich countries want poor countries to reduce their carbon footprints as much as possible. They blame poor countries for not taking precautionary measures for reducing the emission of GHGs while attempting to improve industrialization. Nonrenewable energy sources provide the majority of the world's energy demands. In comparison to nonrenewable energies, the cost of using renewable energies like solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, and geothermal energy is significantly higher. Because of this, only the richest or most developed nations can consider employing renewable energy sources to meet their energy needs. Third-world nations are unable to bear the additional costs associated with utilizing renewable energy sources. If these nations discontinue using nonrenewable energy, their industrialization and infrastructural development will suffer. These nations hold the view that less developed nations actively work to impede their growth in the name of pollution, climate change, and global warming. According to Capstick et al. (2014), there was a rise in skepticism toward the sociopolitical and economic aspects of the climate change issue in several industrialized countries from the late 1990s to the early 2000s. Even while most nations agree in principle that "reduction of carbon and GHG emission" is necessary to combat the problem of climate change, very few nations attempt to put this idea into practice. Understanding the political economy of climate change is essential for combating it, claims Cammack (2007). The problem of climate change has various facets, including political, economic, social, environmental, and scientific ...
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