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Research Do Men Over Perceive Womens Sexual Interest? (Essay Sample)


Do Men Over perceive Women's Sexual interest? is about the view of men and women on sex. who are more interested in sex and statistical analysis on the same.

Do Men Over perceive Women’s Sexual interest?Students NameUniversity NameDate
This work traces back to a journal named; Do Men Over perceive Women’s Sexual interest? There are three studies that have been conducted on the topic, they are all addressing the topic in details. The analysis is thorough. Having three different test is so that all the factors that contributes to the study will be tested. Different factor will have different effect in a statistical test and this is the main reason why there is a need to conduct those three tests o test the same thing. The other reason is for comparing the result hence coming up with a conclusive answer.
The p-value of the first study named study 1 is less than 0.001 and the p-value of the second study named study 2 is less than 0.001 for both genders and equal to 0.003 and the p-value of the final study named as study 3 is equal to 0.03 for both genders and 0.75 for the male.
Statistical facts that has been applied in this study includes the mean (M) and the standard deviation (S.D). In this case, thy are used to come up with a more detailed analysis of the data that is available. It is from the mean and the standard deviation that he t-test and the F-test are derived. In such a study statistical facts are very important since they influence the final answer of the study. This fact will mostly depend on the type of test and data being conducted.
The statistical test that was used in the study is analysis of variance(ANOVA). ANOVA is being used to analyze the data in the study. In simple terms ANOVA is being used to test the relationship between the male and the female. It was the best method to use in this study since the study is testing the relationship between two variables, i.e. between the male and the female. ANOVA analysis farther leads to the F-test and the t-test which have been both conducted in the study. It is from the completion of the ANOVA test that the F-test and t-test are calculated from. The two test are then used to make the conclusions of the test. Therefore, it is the most appropriate test to use. And with the kind of data available in the study, one-way ANOVA is the one to use.
In the study, the alpha level being used all over is 0.03. this means that a confidence level of the study and the tests conducted is 97%. A 97% confidence interval/level implies that that the certainty of the tests is at least 97% accurate. Statistically speaking this is a high level of confidence and it needs a lot of accuracy. In the test Cronbach’s alphas have been used in different levels of the test.
The p-value of the test is not significant since all the p-values are less than alpha level. For the p-value to be significant, it has to be more than the alpha level. In this case, the alpha level does not meet this criterion. To make a conclusion in any statistical test, the alpha level has to be compared to the p-value, it is from this comparison that the conclusion is drawn. In our case, just...
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