Developmental Analysis and Human Development Theorists (Essay Sample)
The Final Developmental Analysis Paper provides the opportunity for you to demonstrate your ability to apply the concepts covered throughout the course. This assignment MUST be typed, double-spaced, in APA style, and must be written at graduate level English. Select a minimum of eight (8) current scholarly articles* taken from scholarly journals (online or hard copy) on your selected topic. * Do not use the course text or other course texts for this assignment. This is a research-based paper. The length is from 12-15 pages plus a title and reference page. Assignment is due Week 7. There are two (2) options for this Final Paper: Personal Development Analysis - analyze your life incorporating theories covered in the course, with emphasis on Freud and Erikson OR Individual Developmental Analysis - analyze the life of another individual incorporating the same theories DEVELOPMENTAL ANALYSIS GUIDE The developmental analysis allows the professional to look at life experiences and analyze them according to developmental theories. This helps to determine the impact of life experiences on present day development and in healing the negative impact of earlier life experiences while capitalizing upon constructive experiences. - Include a summary of each of the life stages emphasizing main points and integrating the pertinent research on developmental theories. Use Freudian and Eriksonian Theories along with at least two others that may be applicable. - Analyze how each theory applies to present life. - In most cases, it is not possible to recall many early life experiences. In order to explore early experiences, several strategies can be followed: A. Consult with primary care givers. B. Look at the present manifestations of the stages and hypothesize what probably occurred. When there is discrepancy between (a) and (b) explore and analyze the probable reasons for the disparity. NOTE THAT TERMS IN PARENTHESES ARE FOR YOUR INFORMATION AND ARE NOT TO BE INCLUDED IN YOUR ANALYSIS SAMPLE EXCERPT OF DEVELOPMENTAL ANALYSIS: (Autobiographic information) During the first year of my life my father was absent from home because he was serving in the Korean War. My mother was forced to return to work shortly after I was born. She indicates that although she was tired and lonely, she spent as much time as possible with me and this time was the high point of her life. While my mother worked, I was cared for by several relatives, some of who enjoyed this responsibility while others resented it tremendously. (Related theory) Freud stated that during the first 18 months of a child's life, the mouth is the primary source of libidinal gratification. When care is consistent and libidinal drives are fulfilled at the oral stage, the child manages to move to the next stage without being fixated. (Analysis) I engage in nail biting, which is an oral passive fixated behavior. I also struggle with nicotine addiction and a food addiction that I have struggled with during two hospitalizations and a five-year involvement in Overeaters' Anonymous. I also find that I resort to the oral aggressive behavior of sarcasm as a stress reliever and as a cover-up for hurt feelings in my personal relationships and in my relationships with my coworkers. It is likely that the lack of consistency I experienced during the oral stage of my life coupled with some of the hostility I might have perceived from those caretakers who resented having to care for me have caused me to experience fixations that in turn resulted in these behaviors. Integrate research on Freud’s developmental theory. (Theory) Erikson stated that during this period the child learns to develop trust. (Analysis) I find that I trust universally and that this trait has not been harmful to me. I am confused because it seems to me that given my background I should not be as trusting as I am. Integrate research on Erikson’s developmental theory. I can only surmise that, even though I had many caretakers and their feelings about their roles were mixed, there must have been enough consistency and care for me to meet my psychological needs. I believe this also relates to the quality of time that my mother spent with me when she was not working outside the home. DEVELOPMENTAL ANALYSIS WOULD CONTINUE THROUGHOUT THE SUBSEQUENT LIFE STAGES FOLLOWING THE ABOVE FORMAT OR INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENTAL ANALYSIS SAMPLE EXCERPT OF INDIVIDUAL ANALYSIS Mary, age 20, has begun suffering from depression and is seeking clinical treatment. (THE FIRST YEAR OF MARY'S LIFE WOULD BE EXPLORED ACCORDING TO THE FORMAT ON THE PREVIOUS PAGES.) Mary's parents report that she was a good baby and that she asserted her independence acceptably. They continued to enjoy her and to let her know how much they loved her. They report that her toilet training was accomplished with a minimum of effort and with no strain on the parent-child relationship. Erikson states that during the second year of a child's life if there is an accepting and healthy relationship between care givers and child that the child will begin to develop a sense of autonomy, meaning a sense of uniqueness and self worth. If this is not present the child often doubts herself and her worth and carries shame and low self-esteem into her adult relationships. Integrate research on Erikson’s developmental theory. Mary seems to experience herself as a worthwhile individual who does not wish to be depressed. Her depression seems totally out of line with her positive sense of self, which according to Erikson comes from a healthy experience during the second year of life. Freud states that during the second stage of a child's life pleasures are primarily located in the anal area. She learns to control bowel and bladder function and begins to experience some control over her life. If the child experiences a healthy relationship with caregivers during this time, she will proceed to the next developmental stage free of anal fixation. If not, anal retentive or anal expulsive behaviors will become a part of her adult life. Anal-retentive behaviors include perfectionism, rigidity, frugality, and unrealistic expectations of self and others. Anal expulsive behaviors include excess sloppiness, indifference to routine, and problems with impulse control. Integrate research on Freud’s developmental theory. Mary is organized but not perfectionistic. She spends wisely and has realistic expectations of herself and her friends and family. Anal fixations are not seen to be a part of Mary's adult life. Looking at Mary's experience of herself during the second stage of her development seems to be realistic rather than based on denial. This would tend to suggest that the second stage of her development was healthy and non-problematic and therefore not very significant to her present depression. (As the developmental analysis proceeded, it became evident that Mary's depression was rooted in later aspects of her development.) This sample also shows that theory can be used to analyze healthy development. SAMPLE INDIVIDUAL ANALYSIS John, age 34, is a recovering poly-substance abuser. He began treatment after he was encouraged to by his family of origin as it became apparent that his substance abuse was "out of control" and was affecting his job and his family life. He has been arrested three times for driving under the influence of various controlled substances. He is a heavy smoker but does not wish to stop smoking because smoking helps him to control his tendency to overeat. John also has difficulty in relationships. He has a tendency to go to extremes. Either he over-relies on people and they disappoint him so that he goes to the opposite extreme and withdraws from people, thus adopting the philosophy that the only person in this world I can trust is myself. He reports that drugs, alcohol or nicotine abuse did not occur in his family of origin. He further reports that although he has no recollections of his infancy, his family reports that his life was normal. THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF HOW RECOLLECTIONS ARE NOT CONSISTENT WITH PRESENT DAY MANIFESTATIONS AND GIVES THE WRITER THE OPPORTUNITY TO EXPLORE THE POSSIBLE REASONS WHY. SEE NEXT PARAGRAPH Social learning theory suggests that a person adopts the behaviors that they observe in others who are a significant part of his life. As John indicates that the type of behavior he exhibits was not learned in his family of origin, it might be wise for him to examine how other individuals in his life impact his behavior by possibly providing him with role modeling which somehow made this type of behavior appealing to John. Integrate research on social learning theory. Freud suggests that during the first 18 months of a child's life, his needs are primarily oral. If care is consistent and the individual experiences security and safety during this time, he proceeds into the next developmental stage of his life without a residue of unmet needs. If this time of life was not healthy, the individual becomes fixated at this stage and develops oral fixated behaviors. Integrate research on Freud’s developmental theory. John's drug and alcohol abuse, along with his nicotine addiction and his tendency to overeat, strongly suggests that John's first eighteen months of life were not healthy and may have contributed to oral fixations that have carried over into his adult life. This may be a difficult concept for both John and his family to address and difficult for the professionals working with John. Defense mechanisms such as denial, repression, and rationalization which the orally fixated individual may use to prevent the pain of addressing painful issues of childhood are often so thoroughly entrenched that the individual strongly resists the pain of looking at infancy issues which are, impacting upon his adult life. Erikson suggests that during the first year of life if care is consistent and healthy, the child develops a healthy blend of trust and mistrust that serves him well in his adult life. John's adult relationships suggest that healthy trust is problematic for John. This again suggests that John's experience in infancy may have not been healthy and may be contributing to the problems he is experiencing in his adult life. Integrate research on Erikson’s developmental theory. John recalls that his father traveled and was away from home much of the time during the third to fifth year of John's life. He and his mother were very close. He recalls that when his father returned from long absences and would attempt to be affectionate with him and his mother, he would pull away from his father and be jealous of his father's attention to his mother. John further recalls that when his father was away he was allowed much more freedom than when his father was present. It was confusing to him when he was admonished by his father for behaviors that were acceptable when only he and his mother were at home. He recalls modeling his father's behavior by packing "luggage" and going to neighbor's homes to play and being disappointed when he returned home and did not receive the warm welcome his father received when he returned. He recalls doing "guy things" when his father was home but missing being with his mother but eventually cherishing the time he and his father spent together during this time of his life. Freud suggests that during the third developmental stage the boy falls in love with his mother and experiences his father as the enemy but fears castration by this large male who is in competition with him for his mother's affections. During this stage the boy goes from extreme dependence upon and affection for mother to the identification with his male parent. If this is accomplished in a healthy way, the child continues to develop healthy sex roles. If not fixation may occur. These behaviors may include; macho behavior, over dependence upon the opposite sex and confused sexual identity. Integrate research on Freud’s developmental theory. John seems to be experiencing some sexual identity confusion which he may not be addressing but which manifests itself in unhealthy male-female relationships, violence and aggression in relationships with other males, and extreme homophobia. It is highly likely that his experience during the phallic stage is contributing to this. Erikson suggests that during the third stage of life, the child develops initiative, which involves the ability to venture out and to try new behaviors and to increase competence. If he is thwarted in his efforts, he will develop a sense of guilt and questions the quality of his efforts and his accomplishments. Integrate research on Erikson’s developmental theory. John's experience with different standards of behavior when his father was present may cause him to question the value of his efforts and to experience guilt even when he is not responsible for something that happens. This hampers him in his efforts to be successful in his adult life. These again may be difficult for John and his family and the well-developed defense mechanism of denial must be carefully addressed if it remains possible that issues from the phallic stage of John's development are negatively impacting upon his adult life
source..Developmental Analysis
Human development theorists have historically postulated various theories regarding on human growth and development during the normal life span of a person. These theories pursue to describe and stipulate a deeper insight to the activities and behaviors that manifest in life stages from infancy to adulthood. My personal life has been characterized by occasions that are much related to these theories and are valid to my experiences in life. This paper will evaluate the development of my lifetime and how it associates to the various contrast perceptions argued throughout the Human Growth and Development class. I will reveal how I can apply the theories and concepts to real-life issues. The paper will show how I would evaluate my life and how it links to the major attributes of the class while discussing the ending full of questions and analysis in the future of various aspects.
My personal journey of growth and development has been a process categorized by success and challenges regarding growing up to a mature person. Various stages from early childhood to adulthood have entirely assisted me to change from being dependent on my parents and to depend on my own. The transitional progressions have frequently been chaotic and tackled with several reactions deep within and among other people concerning my life. I have involved my self-searching journey, working my way out through productive activities to get to my destiny. Although I would like to consider that I have met every advancement stage in my life, I know that will be not entirely accurate. To figure out why I feel some customs have to be put into action using the different theories and concepts reviewed in my study. By being able to use the various concepts learned in my course human growth and development, I am going to develop a developmental analysis on myself to show, I can use the different concepts and apply them to real life situations instead of a quiz or a test. A developmental study of someone is going through the various stages of one’s life and figuring out what they have been through to find a treatment plan for that person. The scenes explain since being born up to the old age and then death. To be able to treat someone or to know how they are feeling would need an individual to know different types of trauma or various phases that they did not accomplish as they were growing up so as to understand what they lacking or holding them back. To know oneself is paramount in focusing on the different stages that you have missed or had trouble.
Prenatal Period
Twenty-six years ago I was conceived into a multiracial couple. My mother a white woman, while my dad a black man. In the prenatal period of my life, my mom was under a lot of pressure because her parents did not commend of the relationship she was in with my father because of the difference in race and furthermore she had been in a previous marriage and had two sons (Erikson, 2008). The germinal and embryonic phase for me was a time that no one knew I existed because my mother did not figure out she was pregnant until 12 weeks (Feldman, 2014). My Mother had indulged in smoking and drinking while she was pregnant but despite all the smoking the tests turned out to be normal and luckily I managed to have no signs of any disabilities. My mental growth during the fetal stage seemed to be impaired since of the stress that my mother was experiencing from her family and friends. She was at a dilemma and was not sure she was going to be able to bear the pregnancy because all the suffering I was creating in her life, and I was not even born yet. Although, all the worries, all of my organs and reflexes turned out to be okay during her doctor’s visits when the tests were done. During the prenatal phase my social and personality growth, in my view, was ruptured since my attachment to my mother’s life was not a very intimate bond since the day I was conceived. My mother was in labor for seventy-two hours in the hospital. I was a week late, despite the smoking and drinking my mom during her whole period of pregnancy with me and was born a healthy baby weigh seven pounds. Since that day I always wanted to see my dad, which steers to the infancy stage and the start of Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development (Feldman, 2014).
Infancy and Childhood
Feldman, broadly explains the term Psychosocial growth as the measure that alters our communications with other individuals and, as well as in the understanding of ourselves as the developers of the whole community (2013, pp. 19). My father revealed to me that there was no close attachment to my mother’s life in my childhood. Mary Ainsworth was the intelligent woman who discovered the way to determine the attachment named the Ainsworth Strange Situation which she used the progression of incidents that measured the strength of the attachment a child had to their parents during the childhood stage, mostly it's the mother has the attachment to the child (Erikson, 1968). In my situation my attachment was not to my mother, I would cry most of the time that she had me and wanted to get away and would be all right when she left me alone to myself which Ainsworth describes as the vital attachment to my mother (Feldman, 2014). During this phase, I felt like the stress that was in mother’s mind and how terrible she didn’t want to conceive me. I cannot say this for sure since I cannot find any the other main reason why I was always distant to my mother since my conception.
The infant stage described by Freud as the main stage and what Erikson names the autonomy vs. shame and doubt stage in life (Feldman, 2014). The ages during this stage tend to be from one year old to four years. Although my mother had many things in her life at this period her and my father conceived another baby and my little sister was born twenty months after I was conceived. Although I was a year old, I distinctly remember it like yesterday how elated I was that I would find someone around to care for.
One day, my mother scarred me for the rest of my life. I am not sure how or what clearly happened, but mother burned me terrible, and I will never forget that day since I will have the scars on my body. My mother was then taken to court and had all kinds of charges pressed up against her and my younger sister and I were taken away. We were put under foster care, and the only reason my dad could not get us was that my mother lived in the same household. I was forced to live in the house of someone that I did not know, that I did not want, that I did not like. All I knew was that I had my sister with me and I wanted my daddy. This made me have some a lot of resentment towards my mother and caused distress in my entire life. From this point onwards, I was always cautious of new people around and slowly developed an unusual nervousness (Feldman, 2014). I had to protect myself and my little sister at such a tender age. I don’t recall any situations that occurred during out stay at the foster home, but it made think is a way of being able to impact my life. Life seemed to be difficulty but I had hope which made me optimistic and was ready to move forward despite the challenges.
Sigmund Freud’s and Erik Erickson’s Psychoanalytic Theories
The most known theorists who wrote about growth and development in the human life is Sigmund Freud, who engineered discussions concentrating on morals and categorized nature of the human life. Freud pictures human growth and development as the maximum unfolding of an individual life. His theory based on growth and development, stipulates an extensive perception and embraces the holistic qualities of life socially, physically, emotionally, and psychologically. The growth and development of humans is therefore, a lifelong progression impacting on various areas of life. Individuals usually learn, grow, and constantly looking forward to improving their lives, build their relationships with their partners and other aspects of their daily lives. Personally, development attributes have consistently caused a sense of responsibility, systematic learning, and attitude change that have caused essential opportunities to a meaningful life in the future of an individual (Knud, 2009).
Psychoanalytic theories are crucial as they mainly focus on issues that alter behavior through the unconscious mind in the human life. The two philosophers who come up with psychoanalytic theories are Erickson and Sigmund Freud, although they used various perspectives according to their research. Freud engineered the psychoanalytic theory based on personality as well as the theory of psychosexual development. Erikson significantly made advances to Freud’s theories to come up with the theory of psychosocial development in the human life (Salkind, 2005). These theories have considerably caused my life to change during the period of dependency to being independent. The unconscious encouragement enhanced by experiences during the primary stages of growth and development has significantly contributed to the designing of important values in my life towards a more productive and meaningful life.
Preschool Period
The preschool stage, as Freud and Erikson, name it as the phallic and initiatives. Guilt stage is the stage from three to six years old. At this juncture, I managed to go back home after so many several court hearings and supervised visits. The state eventually paid my school fees to begin schooling in a Catholic based school in Las Palma, where I was born. I totally believe that starting in a school based on Christianity made a difference in my entire life since it taug...
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