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Behavioral issues in children (Essay Sample)

Parents often find themselves dealing with children who challenge the rules of the house. Toddlers and young children often explore their boundaries to determine what they can get away with. Older children and teens may challenge the authority of adults as they approach an age of independence. There is a difference between clinical disorders that necessitate medical treatment and behavioral issues that parents deal with on a weekly basis. Many behavior problems can be dealt with using creative solutions in the home. Common behavioral issues in children include everything from lying to physical aggression. Please explore this topic and share ideas and beliefs that you feel can assist parents on each side. Those who are dealing with children with boundary issues and those who are dealing with diagnosed disorders. What are the best coping mechanisms and strategies. source..
Behavioral Issues in Children Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Behavioral Issues in Children Behavioral issues in children have become common in the contemporary world. However, most parents have challenges when determining whether the children's behaviors are a result of clinical disease or common boundary issues. One of the major behavioral disorders in children is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), whereby a child has problems with paying attention and poor control of impulsive behavior. Other common disruptive behaviors in children are conduct behavior and oppositional defiant disorder. On the extreme, the common behavioral issues that are steered by boundaries include physical aggression, antisocial behaviors, and lying. Also, dealing with children who have behavioral problems, related to either limitations or diagnosed disorders, can be extremely challenging to the parents. However, some ways can help parents to change the behaviors of these children, such as counseling or seeking medical care. Clinical Disorders Parents dealing with children with clinical disorders should ensure that they seek medical care, whereby behavioral and psychological testing can be exercised. Furthermore, some of the clinical disorders require medication and cognitive behavior therapy (Holland, Malmberg, & Peacock, 2017). For instance, children with ADHD can be treated using psychostimulants drugs, which are fast-acting and control the disease. According to Kimonis, Frick, and McMahon (2014), clinical disorders can also be treated using psychiatric medications and intensive psychotherapy that gradually change the conduct of the children. Conversely, parents who find the behaviors of their children to be complicated can take the children to a residential treatment center, where they can be monitored closely by health practitioners and treated until their behavior stabilize. Cognitive therapy can also be used to address some of the clinical disorders. In this case, a proficient therapist conducts several cognitive therapy sessions to the child until he or she stabilizes (Kimonis, Frick, & McMahon, 2014). Cognitive therapies are mainly undertaken in treatment centers as a way of changing the natural environment of the child. Nonetheless, intellectual therapies can also be conducted at home. Boundary Issues Boundaries in parenting can lead to behavior issues of the children. Most of the children become rebellious to the limitations set for them. Correspondingly, limits may lead to behavioral problems such as lying and physical aggression. In most cases, children lie to feel safe and avoid punishments (Pasalich, Dadds, & Hawes, 2014). Also, some children may feel oppressed by the boundaries, which causes them to be antisocial. Limitations can also steer physical aggression, whereby children who are often abused by their parents are likely to develop physical aggression. Furthermore, some boundaries lead to poor socializing in children, whereby some children feel unwanted and isolate themselves from others. Therefore, barriers can primarily affect the behaviors of children. Nonetheless, there are ways that parents can exercise to improve the behaviors of the children. One of the best ways is by creating a healthy parent-child relationship, whereby a child can feel free to express his or her emotions. Pasalich, Dadds, and Hawes (2014) affirm that intellectual therapy can also be used to address some of these behaviors such as violence, whereby children can undergo therapy sessions for to them learn how to control their emotions. Moreover, a parent can use parenting skills to help a c...
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