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Psychology: Why Coaching Should Be Considered In High School (Essay Sample)
Write an essay on why coaching should be considered in high school
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Coaching is one of the professional careers that are very crucial in the sports environments. It is a profession that not only requires training skills but also the natural inborn skills in order to foster a change in sports. Various researches have been conducted to evaluate and find out the sources of motivation in coaching. In regard to that, diverse hypotheses have been suggested and conclusions are drawn about coach motivation depending on the kind of research conducted. One thing that has never been addressed is the way to sustain the coach-athlete relationship that will create a rapport in the sporting environment. Researchers have put forward, some of which are subject to critic, while others are a bit commendable.
Coach motivation does only emanate from within himself or herself only. A lot of research has based so much on how coaches motivate athletes but put little concern on how the athletes motivate the coaches. I am an athlete coach with a four-year experience I fathom every detail of about coach motivation. It is not only the coach’s behavior that is supposed to motivate athletes. In the above paragraph, I cited about a coach-athlete relationship. This relationship is meant to be mutual and not parasitic, the coaches a role to play in ensuring his or her athletes are motivated and the athletes have a role to ensure their leader has built trust in them. The athlete’s behavior has to be in respect to the stipulated policies of sports and at no time should they go contrary to what the coach dictates because that is how coaching operates, giving and receiving orders. Well, disciplines athletes will bring satisfaction to the coach and he or she will build tangible trust in them.
I also want to oppose the assertion that the pressure to win in a competitive environment can limit and lessen coach and athlete motivation. One thing to consider is that motivation in athletic is provoked by a stiff competitive environment where winning is hardly achievable. That is the point where all the muscles and power should be focused on attaining the best out of it. Motivation does not necessarily come from easy and cheap activities, but rather hard and challenging tasks. Defeat is not the problem, what matters most is what the coach does after the defeat. Failure to win is not an issue to siphon moral and motivation out of coaches but a fuel to burn the desire and urge to try again and again. ...
Coaching is one of the professional careers that are very crucial in the sports environments. It is a profession that not only requires training skills but also the natural inborn skills in order to foster a change in sports. Various researches have been conducted to evaluate and find out the sources of motivation in coaching. In regard to that, diverse hypotheses have been suggested and conclusions are drawn about coach motivation depending on the kind of research conducted. One thing that has never been addressed is the way to sustain the coach-athlete relationship that will create a rapport in the sporting environment. Researchers have put forward, some of which are subject to critic, while others are a bit commendable.
Coach motivation does only emanate from within himself or herself only. A lot of research has based so much on how coaches motivate athletes but put little concern on how the athletes motivate the coaches. I am an athlete coach with a four-year experience I fathom every detail of about coach motivation. It is not only the coach’s behavior that is supposed to motivate athletes. In the above paragraph, I cited about a coach-athlete relationship. This relationship is meant to be mutual and not parasitic, the coaches a role to play in ensuring his or her athletes are motivated and the athletes have a role to ensure their leader has built trust in them. The athlete’s behavior has to be in respect to the stipulated policies of sports and at no time should they go contrary to what the coach dictates because that is how coaching operates, giving and receiving orders. Well, disciplines athletes will bring satisfaction to the coach and he or she will build tangible trust in them.
I also want to oppose the assertion that the pressure to win in a competitive environment can limit and lessen coach and athlete motivation. One thing to consider is that motivation in athletic is provoked by a stiff competitive environment where winning is hardly achievable. That is the point where all the muscles and power should be focused on attaining the best out of it. Motivation does not necessarily come from easy and cheap activities, but rather hard and challenging tasks. Defeat is not the problem, what matters most is what the coach does after the defeat. Failure to win is not an issue to siphon moral and motivation out of coaches but a fuel to burn the desire and urge to try again and again. ...
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