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Personality traits based upon Myers-Briggs quiz * ( Campaigner/ ENFP) and Zodiac sign ( * Aquarius) (Essay Sample)

You will first need to visit and take the personality test. This will provide you with your Myers-Briggs personality type and details about what this means. The description provided by the website will be the bulk of your paper, so make sure to read through it and reference it in your paper. In your profile, you will find details on strengths and weaknesses, romantic relationships, friendships, parenthood, career paths, and workplace habits. Some of the most important details are included in the introduction and conclusion. Please make sure to summarize what you find in any/all of the sections to give a broad picture of your personality type. Your next task is to compare your Myers-Briggs type to your zodiac sign. Please visit to find and read about your zodiac sign. For an easy comparison, search the site for details about strengths/weaknesses, romantic relationships, friendships, parenthood, career paths, and workplace habits. After completing the description of your Myers-Briggs type and comparing it to you zodiac sign, conclude your paper by discussing the Barnum Effect (description here and why tests of personality that are more specific, like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, are more accurate. source..
Personality Traits Based Upon Myers-Briggs Quiz Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Name and Number Course Instructor Due Date Personality Traits Based Upon Myers-Briggs Quiz Individuals possess distinctive traits and patterns that propel their interaction with the surrounding environment. The differences in these characteristics, patterns of thinking, and behavior are the foundation of peculiar personalities. Therefore, personality refers to the individualistic psychological forces that propel people to think, behave or feel a particular way. Personality is subject to inborn characteristics that define an individual’s emotional and mental traits. In addition, the adoption and assimilation of traits through socialization plays an integral role in personality development. The Myers-Briggs Quiz results indicated that I am a campaigner. This personality is denoted by ENFP, meaning that I possess extrovert, intuitive, feeling, and prospecting personality traits. My personality type comprises individuals whose actions reflect goodwill and hope to others. In addition, campaigners stand out in the crowd since they are open-minded and goodhearted (Campaigner personality. 16Personalities, n.d.). Their friendliness and outgoing spirit also augment their ability to inspire others. It helps them build meaningful emotional relations with those they interact with. Apart from their friendly nature, campaigners are curious, imaginative, and creative. They are also introspective, which is crucial in understanding the deeper meaning of life.  Campaigners are excellent communicators and wise, which is beneficial in interacting with people. However, their overly optimistic, disorganized, and unfocused nature limits their productivity. They are also restless, excessively accommodating, and people pleasers. These traits are critical barriers to their optimal quality of life. Campaigners care about love, and they bring the good side of their personality to spice up romantic relationships (Campaigner personality. 16Personalities, n.d.). They find pleasure in companionship and thus approach relationships with their highest ideals.  The campaigner’s cheerful and supportive nature builds friendship into solid bonds built on mutual trust and respect. In addition, they are good parents since they inspire their children and discipline them lovingly. Campaigners take diverse career paths due to their outgoing nature. They also light up the workplace and foster creativity (Campaigner personality. 16Personalities, n.d.). Their warmth and open-mindedness make them popular with their colleagues. Campaigners are, therefore, charismatic individuals whose idealism, creativity, and enthusiasm brighten the lives of those around them.  According to the Myers-Briggs Quiz, several aspects of my personality trait resonate with my zodiac sign’s personality attributes. My zodiac sign is Aquarius, whose strengths align with the campaigner’s character. The progressive and humanitarian traits are similar to the creativity and goodhearted nature in Myers-Briggs Quiz. In addition, the Aquarius likes and dislikes are similar to the campaigner’s traits (Morgan et al., 2021). For example, similar to the Aquarius, the campaigner is fun-loving, outgoing, upbeat, loves intellectual conversations, and distastes dull situations. However, Aquarius’ limitations do not resonate with the campaigner’s weaknesses since they do not run away from emotions or stay aloof. The Aquarius’ openness, excellent communication, and imagination make them thrive in romantic relationships, family, and the workplace (Signs, n.d.). These elements are similar to the traits that augment the campaigner’s relationship with those around them. The Barnum Effect holds that individuals t...
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