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The Holy Unction as a Way of Healing in the Orthodox Church (Essay Sample)

The Holy Unction, or the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, is a significant practice in the Orthodox Church. Administered with prayers and anointing oil, it symbolizes God's presence, strength, and forgiveness. It aims to heal not just physical ailments but also emotional and spiritual distress. Administered by priests, it holds deep spiritual significance, connecting believers with Christ's healing power. References: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. source..
Name Course Affiliation Professor The Holy Unction as a Way of Healing in the Orthodox Church The Holy Unction In life, we all go through pain whether physical, emotional or spiritual. It is usually at these moments in life that we find ourselves in need of company, love and basically to feel taken care of or that we belong. The Holy Unction which is also known as The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is there to reminds us that it is at these dark moments where Christ’s presence and help is nearest and within reach in His Church Ministry. This act of Holy Unction is usually done to all those who find themselves not only sick physically but also in mind and spirit or nearing death. Usually done in the afternoon or evening of the Great and Holy Wednesday, the Holy Unction is held in the Orthodox Parishes where each of the seven Epistle lessons, Gospel lessons and prayers are read. Thereafter, a priest anoints the body with Holy Oil. The Anointing oil is used as a symbol of the presence of God, His strength and forgiving nature. Orthodoxy teaches of Christ’s willingness to give His life for our sake. With this, He takes away all our pain and iniquities thus fulfilling His calling as the Messiah who heals. The Pope, back in the fifth Century advised that the Holy Unction should be done on sick believers, by a bishop or presbyters and that those undergoing the Sacrament of Confession/Reconciliation were not eligible for this exercise. once the body is anointed, the person’s wounds are sanctified and the body is made one with Christ who takes away all the sufferings. After that, the person is filled with God’s strength which enables one to live a life that is worthy for eternal life in God’s Kingdom. The practice calls for at east seven priests but is not...
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