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Africa is not a country. (Essay Sample)

ssignment Type: Essay (any type) Service: Writing Pages/Words: 2 pages / 550 words (Double spacing) Education Level: College Language: English (US) Assignment Topic: Africa is not a country. Subject: Sociology Sources: 3 sources required Citation Style: APA 7th edition Upload files There are no files here Instructions Part of understanding global inequality is understanding the differential power and dynamics between different countries. The representation of the entire continent of Africa as a homogeneous entity reflects this. Despite Western discourses on the inferiority and homogeneity of Africans, there is incredible variation among the cultures, groups, religions and people on the continent. In 350-500 words or a 2-3 minute video, respond to the following including at least 2 key concepts from this module. These terms should be bold in written responses and clearly stated in video responses. Visit the website “Africa is a Country”, a website that promotes African-centered media to challenge the misrepresentation of the entire continent as one entity and highlight the diversity among the 55 countries that comprise the African continent. Pick an article of your choosing from this website about global inequality and read it closely. The inequality can be within a country or between countries. Summarize the article explaining what it is about. Analyze the article thinking about whether it challenges any common stereotypes about Africa. Do you think it makes a difference to find out news about African issues from the perspective of Africans? source..
Africa is Not a Country Name Institution Course Date Global Inequality Differential power and dynamics between different countries are crucial concepts when understanding global inequality. The way that Western countries often view and discuss Africa is a perfect example of this (Bourguignon, 2018). There is much talk about the continent being poor and homogeneous when there is a great deal of diversity among the cultures, religions, and people who live there. This lack of understanding can lead to many misconceptions and ultimately perpetuate the cycle of inequality. Firstly, the richer and more powerful countries tend to have a more significant influence over the poorer and less powerful countries. This can be seen in the way that the more affluent countries can control the distribution of resources, such as aid, and dictate the terms of trade. Secondly, more prosperous and powerful countries can also control the flow of information and knowledge. They are able to do this through the media, which tends to be biased in favor of the richer countries, and through education, which is often biased in favor of the more affluent countries as well. "Inequality Matters," Sara Mayeux  Summarization of the article In the article "Inequality Matters," Sara Mayeux discusses the growing problem of income inequality in Africa (Esa, 2013). She cites a study by the Pew Research Center, which found that the gap between the richest and poorest Americans has grown significantly in recent years. Mayeux attributes this trend to several factors, including the declining value of the minimum wage, the increasing cost of living, and the rising cost of education. She argues that income inequality is a significant problem because it leads to several social and economic problems, including poverty, crime, and poor health. She concludes by calling for policies that reduce income inequality, such as a higher minimum wage and free public college education. The article discusses the effects of income inequality on individuals and society. It cites research that shows how income inequality can lead to poorer health outcomes, lower levels of social trust, and increased crime. The article argues that income inequality is a significant problem in Africa and needs to be addressed. Analyzation of the article.  The article examines the extent to which inequality matters in Africa. It looks at the impact of inequality on economic growth, poverty reduction, and social cohesion. The article challenges the common stereotype that inequality is a necessary evil in Africa. It argues that inequality is a major challenge to economic growth and poverty reduction and is also a significant source of social cohesion. The article points out that while there are many developing countries in Africa, there are also many countries that are doing well economically. The article also points out that inequality is a problem in Africa but is not limited to Africa. Inequality is a problem in all continents. Differences in getting news about Africa perceptives Yes, I think it makes a difference to find out news about African issues from the perspective of Africans. There are so many different perspectives and stories that can ...
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