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Early Career Challenges Faced by MBA Graduates Social Sciences Essay (Essay Sample)


Chapter 9 – Reading 9.2 Becoming a Leader: Early Career Challenges Faced by MBA graduates
Read the case information and answer the following question in 150 to 300 words. If you were presenting this case to your company's employees as corporate training example, what relevant information from your textbook chapter(s) reading would you emphasize to your employees? Why? (Don't forget to cite your textbook, and provide proper references.)


Early Career Challenges Faced by MBA Graduates
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Relevant Information from the Book’s Chapters that are Essential during Corporate Training of Employees
The core task of business schools should be to prepare students to put into practice the acquired skills during their time in school in the world of business. Regrettably, Mello (2013) notes that a majority of academics do very little in the organization and development of new knowledge in ways that should be useful to managers. The book, therefore, focuses on the practice of leadership and management by providing the essentials that can be relied on during corporate training of employees. To start with, it is imperative to inform workers of what they need to know when carrying out the functions of an organization. According to Benjamin and O’Reilly (2011), there is a need for the faculty of business to advance the significance of MBA education by ensuring that the focus of employees or trainees should is drawn to the phenomenon and problems in organizations. Also, they encourage the importance of listening to the subordinates, the relevant theories in business and their applicability in real-world situations. The book also focuses the attention of students on the significance of relationships and how to resolve differences.

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