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Ethics and Cultural Competence (Essay Sample)

Instructions Hide I would just like to change it to people in general immigrating, not a specific group. Draft and submit a brief proposal for your final research project (option #2). The proposal should include the following: Describe the chosen cultural group (from last week’s assignment). Immigrants from India Describe the purpose of your final research project paper: to do this you must first develop a research question based on an issue and/or theory you wish to explore in relation to the chosen cultural group. Describe your plan for exploring the research question, issue and/or theory. Describe your intended outcomes of your research – in other words, what do you hope to achieve by writing this paper? This might be centered on future career goals, answering a question you still have about the field in general, or some other direct application to practice or theory building. Create an annotated bibliography of five to seven references that you might use in your paper and that are not assigned readings in this course. These sources should discuss, use, or compare and contrast traditional and culturally relevant research methods or practices. Your reference list should include diverse authors whenever possible and the sources must have been published within the last five years UNLESS you can make case for an older source that is considered a foundational material for the field. An annotated bibliography presents the bibliographic information for each resource. It provides a one-paragraph summary of the resource along with a statement about how the resource will be used in your paper. source..
Ethics and Cultural Competence Student Name Institutional Affiliations Instructor Date Proposal for final research project (option #2). General Immigration of people: Immigration is the movement of people from one country to another in order to settle permanently. Immigrants usually leave their home country in search of better economic opportunities, political freedom, or safety from persecution. Immigration can also be a response to environmental disasters or other causes. Immigration is a complex process that varies from country to country. In many cases, immigrants must apply for a visa in order to enter their destination country. Visas can be temporary or permanent, and can be based on certain criteria such as family ties, work experience, or education level. Once a visa is granted, immigrants must go through a number of steps to legally settle in their new home. This can include obtaining a work permit, registering with the local government, and learning the language of the new country. Immigration can be a difficult and lengthy process, but it can also be a rewarding experience. Immigrants often bring with them their own culture, skills, and experience, enriching the societies they join. Immigration can also provide economic benefits, as immigrants often fill jobs in industries where there is a shortage of local labor (Ward,2018). At the same time, immigration can also place strain on host countries, as immigrants may compete for jobs or services with local citizens. Purpose of my final research project The purpose of my final research project paper is to explore the impact of immigration on the mental health of individuals, particularly focusing on the experiences of those who are immigrating from a general perspective. My research question is: what psychological challenges do individuals face when immigrating from a general perspective, and how do these challenges shape their mental health outcomes? (Fernández 2017) To answer this question, I will conduct a comprehensive review of the literature on the psychological impact of immigration and analyze qualitative and quantitative data to gain a better understanding of the challenges and mental health outcomes of individuals who are immigrating. My plan for exploring the research question, issue and/or theory My plan for exploring the research question, issue, and/or theory of immigration from a general perspective is to conduct a comprehensive literature review that will cover both primary and secondary sources. I will focus on research that is related to immigration and its effects on individuals, families, and communities. I will also review studies that have been conducted on policies related to immigration and their impacts on individuals, families, and communities. In addition, I will use qualitative and quantitative methods to further explore the research question. I will conduct interviews with people who have migrated or have experience with immigration, and I will also use surveys to collect quantitative data which can be analyzed and interpreted. I will use a combination of both primary and secondary data sources to create a comprehensive report of my findings. This report will include a summary of my literature review, quantitative and qualitative data analysis, an evaluation of policies related to immigration, and my own conclusions and recommendations. Intended outcomes of my research My primary goal with this project is to gain a better understanding of the motivations and experiences of people who migrate from a general perspective. I want to explore what factors contribute to their decisions to migrate, their experiences during the process of migration, and their satisfaction with the outcomes of their migration. Furthermore, I want to understand how these experiences are shaped by the policies, practices, and systems of those who receive migrants. By uncovering these factors, I intend to develop an understanding of how people migrate and how migration is received by different countries, cultures, and societies. Through this research, I hope to gain insight into how we can create more effective policies and practices for the successful integration of migrants (Mayda, 2022). Ultimately, this research could provide valuable insight into how the global community can better support those who desire to make a transition to another country or region. Annotated bibliography of references that I might use in my project paper Sangalang, C. C., Becerra, D., Mitchell, F. M., Lechuga-Peña, S., Lopez, K., & Kim, I. (2019). Trauma, post-migration stress, and mental health: A comparative analysis of refugees and immigrants in the United States. Journal of immigrant and minority health, 21(5), 909-919. This article examines the psychological challenges associated with migration, with a focus on refugees and immigrants in the United States. The authors use a comparative analysis to explore how trauma, post-migration stress, and mental health are related. The results suggest that both refugees and immigrants face a wide range of psychological challenges, including depression and anxiety, as a result of migrating. The authors offer recommendations for mental health professionals and policymakers to better support migrants who are struggling with the psychological effects of migration. Cobb, C. L., Branscombe, N. R., Meca, A., Schwartz, S. J., Xie, D., Zea, M. C., ... & Martinez Jr, C. R. (2019). Toward a positive psychology of immigrants. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 14(4), 619-632. This article examines the psychological challenges that people face when migrating, with a focus on understanding how immigrants can cultivate a sense of personal growth and well-being. Through consideration of the literature on immigration, the authors identify five key psychological challenges: (1) cultural adaptation, (2) identity reorganization, (3) loss and separation, (4) discrimination, and (5) social exclusion. The authors then discuss how positive psychology can be applied to help immigrants better cope with these psychological challenges. Furthermore, the authors suggest that by understanding and addressing these psychological challenges, immigrants may be able to experience positive psychological growth, leading to greater well-being and integration into their new societies Roche, K. M., Vaquera, E., White, R. M., & Rivera, M. I. (2018). Impacts of immigration actions and news and the psychological distress of US Latino parents raising adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health, 62(5), 525-531. This article examines the psychological challenges that US Latino parents face when their children are exposed to immigration actions and news. The study looks at how these events can lead to psychological distress in the parents and the subsequent impacts on their children's development. The authors use a survey-based approach to analyze the responses of Latino parents in the US to various immigration policies and news related to immigration. The results of the study suggest that exposure to immigration actions and news can lead to increased psychological distress in Latino parents and can have a negative effect on their children's mental health and development. The article provides insight into the psychological challenges that Latino parents face when navigating the complexities of the US immigration system. Dennison, J., & Geddes, A. (2021). Thinking globally about attitudes to immigration: Concerns about social conflict, economic competition and cultural threat. The Political Quarterly, 92(3), 541-551. This article examines the psychological challenges that people face when they migrate. It highlights the concerns that people have about the potential for social conflict, economic competition, and cultural threat that can come with immigration. The authors draw on research to explore how these concerns can shape public opinion, and what implications this may have for policy and government decision-making. The article also discusses how intercultural dialogue can help to reduce the psychological difficulties associated with migration. In conclusion, the authors suggest that a more nuanced understanding of the psychological challenges of migration is needed in order to develop effective policies and foster positive attitudes towards immigration Rapaport, M., & Doucerain, M. M. (2021). Shared immigration process, different perspectives: The impact of immigration-related gaps on couple relationships. Migration Studies, 9(4), 1626-1644. This article explores the psychological challenges that people face when migrating. It looks at the effects of immigration-related gaps on couple relationships, examining how different perspectives can shape the shared immigration process. It highlights the emotional and psychological toll that this process can have on individuals and couples, and the difficulties in navigating the complexities of...
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