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Examine the Masculinity Crisis and the efforts to end it. (Essay Sample)

Write a 2000-2,500 word essay on the following topic: Topic: Examine the Masculinity Crisis and the efforts to end it. You need to use 10 ~ 12 (no more than 12) academic sources. Use APA citation style. Essays should be double-spaced. There should be evidence of further ACADEMIC reading, and all support should be be referenced correctly. Bibliographies should be on a separate page. source..
Examining the Masculinity Crisis and the efforts to end it [Student Name] [Institutional Affiliations] [Instructor] [Date] Examining the Masculinity Crisis and the efforts to end it The concept of masculinity crisis refers to the perceived struggles and the challenges that men face in the contemporary society and so in particular in connection to their traditional gender roles and their sense of identity (Godfrey, 2020). This crisis has often been attributive to factors such as the increasing ‘objectification’ of the male body, the triumph of feminism, reduction in the tolerance of male violence as well as the decline in manual labor work. In the recent past, there have been efforts employed to address this masculinity crisis in order to redefine masculinity in more positive and inclusive way (Waterman et al., 2023). This essay looks into the concept of masculinity crisis, its causes as well as the various initiatives and movements aimed at transforming and challenging traditional notions regarding masculinity The Masculinity Crisis As noted at the introduction, masculinity crisis is concerned with the perceived struggles and challenges which men go through in the contemporary world and more specifically in connection to their sense of identity as well as the male traditional gender roles and norms. The crisis is very significant because it underscores the need for men to adapt to the evolving societal definitions of masculinity and the expectations which can sometimes be conflicting and confusing. There are several factors contributing to the masculinity crisis: First, the impact of changing roles on gender and success of feminism (Rees, 2016). The feminist movement has greatly succeeded in disrupting and challenging the traditional gender norms as well as power structures in advocacy for equality on gender basis. Whereas this has brought about great progress towards gender equality, it has also created confusion and a situation of uncertainty for men who could struggle to adapt to such changes. The increasing independence and empowerment of women can sometimes be assumed as a threat to the traditional male identity and roles leading to the feelings of loss of power and emasculation. Secondly, the masculinity crisis has resulted from a decline in the traditional male occupations. The decrease in manual labor jobs in factory settings and the shift towards an economy which is knowledge-based has brought about this crisis. Most traditional male-dominated industries including mining and manufacturing have undergone significant restructuring following automation or otherwise with significant job losses (Parry et al., 2018). This has led to loss of purpose for some men and feelings of being insecure for the men who have traditionally adopted the definition of masculinity through their provider status and through their work. The loss of such jobs not only affects the financial status of men but it also challenges the male sense of identity and value within society and thus potentially contributing to feelings of inadequacy and then the masculinity crisis. Thirdly, is the issue of ‘objectification’ of the male bodies through advertising and the media (Parlow, 2011). Whereas mostly objectification has for a long time been the concern for women, men have recent decades began to increasingly face the pressures of conforming to unrealistic physical standards. The media and adverts often tend to portray men as muscular, well-bodied, sexually desirable which is leading to body dissatisfaction and shift has kicked in which is leading men to focus more on their appearance. This has got detrimental effects on the self-esteem as well as men’s overall wellbeing contributing to issues of body image issues as well as mental health complications. Further, the reduction in tolerance of male violence is also a factor which contributes to the masculinity crisis. The societal decreasing tolerance for male violence has become a factor which is contributing to the crisis among men. The traditional notions of masculinity tend to usually comprise of dominance, control and aggression (Morrell et al., 2012). However there has been a growing condemnation on toxic masculinity which perpetuates harmful attitudes and behaviors. Men who adhere to such traditional ideals can struggle to reconcile their behavior with the evolving and changing society expectations and they can feel misunderstood and alienated. Effects of the Masculinity Crisis The effects of masculinity crisis are very profound on the male body image and their mental health which leads to some challenges and issues. Such effects are often a repercussion of societal pressures and expectations placed on men to make them conform to traditional ideals on masculinity. Anorexia and body dissatisfaction is the first effect. As the society continues to lay much emphasis on muscularity increase and physical appearance, men are increasingly becoming vulnerable to body image concerns and disorders such as anorexia (Mishra, 2018). Men feel pressured to obtain a certain type of body characteristic of muscularity, low fat and sexy appearance. Such pressure leads to extreme dieting, body dissatisfaction as well as excessive exercise. This desire towards meeting certain societal expectations results into severe emotional and physical repercussions. Secondly, men become addicted to the gym as well as increased steroid use. It is true that the pursuit of a certain idealized masculine physique can make some men practice certain unhealthy behaviors such as use of steroids and addiction to the gymnasia. This can make men to be obsessively focused on muscle building and attaining of a perfect body (Mack, 2021). This over reliance on exercising and substance use to enhance performance can have severe effects which are detrimental on physical health inclusive of organ damage, hormonal imbalances and cardiovascular complications. The addictive nature of such behaviors may also contribute to mental health problems. Thirdly, the issue of plastic surgery among men is also an after-effect following the muscularity crisis. Plastic surgery could involve procedures such as jawline augmentations, pectoral implants, and liposuction all in the name of trying to conform to certain societal expectations. The desire of achieving some kind of masculine aesthetic via surgery can even result into negative self-perception and body dissatisfaction. Fourthly, the crisis is the cause of high rates of suicide and mental health problems (Leung & Chan, 2012). The pressure of conforming to masculine traditional ideals tend to often discourage men from obtaining help for their emotional struggles which leads to higher rates of untreated and undiagnosed mental condition. Men could feel a certain expectation for a strong, self-reliant and stoic expectation which is an inhibitor of the ability to ask for support and express vulnerability. This then results into the feelings of increased suicidal risk, anxiety, depression and isolation. In the UK for instance, suicide has been rated as the largest killer for men who are under 45 years with suicidal rate being on peak for men aged 40-49 (Godfrey, 2020). Efforts to Address the Masculinity Crisis There are efforts of addressing the masculinity crisis but they have been mainly centered on two main areas: (1) the promotion of male mental health and (2) redefining masculinity so as to foster healthier identity expressions and well-being. i). Male-focused mental health initiatives: There has been the emergence of the various initiatives and organizations with a high affinity towards recognizing and addressing the unique challenges among men in regard to seeking mental health help. These initiatives are comprised mainly of mental health charities such as Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) which have dedicated resources and services of support aimed at addressing the male mental health issues. The initiatives give helplines, online forums for support, and campaigns directed to increase awareness while encouraging dialogue around men’s mental health issues. Again, there are support networks and awareness campaigns meant for men’s mental health (Jewkes et al., 2015). These have been important for in breaking cycles of stigma which surround the mental health and encouraging men to seek help. These campaigns are often focused on promoting open conversations regarding mental health, encouraging men to reach out for support networks and challenging the traditional masculinity notions. ii). Redefining masculinity and promoting healthy expressions of masculinity: In addressing the masculinity crisis, efforts have been put in place for challenging toxic masculinity while promoting more positive and healthy masculine expressions. Toxic masculinity is usually comprised of harmful attitudes and behaviors with traditional ideas such as emotional suppression, dominance and aggression (Gray, 2000). The efforts to challenge these toxic aspects of masculinity include promotion of gender equality, teaching communication skills that encourage healthy behaviors and relationships. By challenging such norms men are encouraged to embraced inclusive and authentic version of masculinity. It also entails the promotion of emotional intelligence and expression. This is so because men are usually socialized in a manner which suppresses their emotions and displays a certain stoic façade. Thus, emotional awareness is crucial for men to embrace empathy and active listening (Godfrey, 2020). This is crucial for helping men to have healthy mechanisms of coping while fostering stronger connections in their professional and personal relations. Case Studies of Efforts to End the Masculinity Crisis i). Islamic headscarves and France's burqa ban The ban of the France’s burqa and the headscarves for Islams is a strong highlight on the complexities which surround the promotion of ...
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