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Exploring the role of music on a person's mood (Essay Sample)

This task involved writing an essay on "Exploring the Role of Music on a Person's Mood." The sample discusses how music can significantly influence an individual's emotions and mental health, highlighting its therapeutic applications. It references studies showing that music can reduce loneliness, increase empathy, and regulate emotions through soothing or distracting tunes, ultimately improving overall well-being. The essay emphasizes music's ability to alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression, showcasing its potential as a valuable tool in enhancing mental health and emotional resilience. source..
Exploring the role of music on a person's mood Student's Name Institutional Affiliation Course Number and Name Instructor Name Due Date Exploring the role of music on a person's mood Introduction Music is an essential component of human life and encompasses the art and function of people's lives, which is evident in emotions and mental health. A perfect example is music therapy, which employs music aimed at the individual's emotional, cognitive, social, and developmental needs and shows how music can help ease stress, anxiety, and depression. In this essay, the importance of music in changing one's moods will be discussed with an emphasis on the ability of the tool to lessen loneliness, therefore enhancing the patient's well-being. Music significantly influences a person's mood because it helps lessen loneliness and acts as a social replacement. Schäfer, Saarikallio, and Eerola (2020) showed that loneliness declined when choosing relaxing or diverting tracks while empathy increased, regardless of the participants' starting emotions. This implies that music can foster some form of relationship, such as that formed with an empathic friend, through affective matching and cognitive empathy. To conclude, these insights shed light on the use of music as liberation therapy, specifically by encouraging the desire to be accepted by others and providing support in the emotional distress one might experience, thereby lessening loneliness and improving one's well-being. Music affects emotions significantly, and different genres of music are associated with distinct moods. In the cross-sectional study conducted by Kalra and Jain (2021), the participants reported that happy songs make them happier. In contrast, they rely on sad songs to feel comfort knowing someone understands them. In their work, which also uses machine learning, they classify music by moods, such as energy, calmness, happiness, and sadness, showing how these affect listeners' well-being. Both comforting and distracting music effectively regulate mood: So comforting music soothes the emotions and gives approval emotions, while distracting one provides the listener with a way to leave behind negative emotions, thus enhancing the mood. In conclusion, emotions can be w...
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