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Globalization (Essay Sample)


write a five paragraph paper on the topic globalization


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Globalization is defined as the process of interconnecting the world via powerful infrastructure and technology for establishing good communication networks and effective management of resources says Appadurai (1996). The aspect addresses a lot of vibrant phenomena that is comprised of two major components. In the first place, they function across the nation’s boundaries and also end up in interdependence or incorporation of human societies. It is therefore, a development aspect that impacts the world collectively from human view point. Depending on the topic or stake taken in a motion, globalization can be viewed as either bad or good.
To begin with, globalization has impacted the globe in a number of ways. Societal conditions, machinery, management, environmental investment and economics are some of the changes that have been witnessed by globalization. The changes were made for the purposes of ensuring that there is gradual development of entrepreneurial initiatives in global markets at speeds that are tremendous (Beck, 2000). These would not only provide room for employment opportunities but also encourage a lot of trade to take place. Living standards of people have improved as many of them are able to afford and sustain their basic needs.
Secondly, globalization provides a boundless room and opportunity for business firms or organizations to enhance their business operations across the globe. The means by which business processes are run has been transformed eventually converting the world into a ‘global village’. Free trade is taking place among countries leading to the elimination of trade barriers and enhanced business transactions. Liquid capital has grown enhancing investments to third world countries according to Waters (2001). This has been propelled by advent innovations in technology such as the internet. Steady flow of communication has made it possible for people to exchange information across many parts. Increased trade has led to the growth of social amenities and infrastructure providing good working conditions to residents.
On the other hand, a lot of setbacks have been brought about by the issue of globalization. Both unskilled and skilled workers have enjoyed rapid floe of jobs due to globalization’s advent from developed to third world countries. The outcome is attributed to the fact that many corporations seeking labor that is cheap for the purposes of lowering their costs of operation (Ervin and Smith, 2008). Cultural spread of information across different parts of the world ends up becoming extinct. The outbreak of diseases epidemics has been enhanced by globalization due to better transport means and communication systems. A lot of citizens are killed in large numbers depriving some countries of the labor needed in industries and agricultural farms (Lechner, 2009). Skilled personnel have lost live...
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