Is China giving Africa an alternative to Western Aid or simply serving their selfish interests? (Essay Sample)
the task was to analyze and understand if the western aid china provides in Africa is just out of pure heart or merely to satisfy their own preferences.
Is China giving Africa an alternative to Western Aid or simply serving their selfish interests?
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Is China giving Africa an alternative to Western Aid or simply serving their selfish interests?
In the current years, the economic presence of China in Africa has really contributed to an intense debate, most of it is well told and others are not, regarding the nature of Chinese engagement and its connection to the world. The debate is initially encouraged by the quick development of the country’s economic pressure in Africa, for example, the Chinese contribution in Africa has grown from 210 million US dollars in the year 2000 to around 3.17 billion US dollars in the year 2011 ((Wang, 2018). An aid is a significant policy object for China among its several involvements with Africa and, as a matter of fact, Africa has been the head recipient of the Chinese aid. Africa has been the head recipient of the Chinese aid, since the end of the year 2009 it got 45.7 per cent of the 256.29 R&B billion amassed foreign aid of China. With such an aid, questions begin to arise like the nature, goal and composition of the aid.
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