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Understanding Sociology Research Assignment: Isha Sociology (Essay Sample)


1) Discussion
Read ch 1 in the text or cha 1 lecture and ppt
Think about the sociologists profiled in the chapter. Whose work seems most relevant to today's social problems (e.g.: gender inequality, racial/ethnic inequality, homophobia, poverty, crime, health care, etc.)? In what ways are his/her work still relevant? How might her/his ideas inform current efforts to promote equality?
200 words
In text citation reqd
No outside sources allowed
text used. If text is not available, need to use lecture and ppt attached
Schaefer, R.T. 2017. Introduction to Sociology, 12th ed. McGraw Hill.
2) Journal
Read Chapter 3: Culture in your textbook.
2. Use the information from the text to answer the questions (your response must be informed by the material you've learned rather than offering opinions).
3. Include APA formatted citations and a reference (no outside sources, please).
4. Write at least 250 words about this topic. Post your word count at the end of your essay.
Think about a television show you've recently watched (or take a break and go watch a TV show!).
In what ways can you use the terms or concepts from chapter three to explain what happened in the show?
In other words, what from Chapter 3 on Culture can you relate to the show?
Describe any part of the program using KEY CONCEPTS from Chapter 3, (or Chapter 3 Lecture/PowerPoint if your textbook is delayed).
For example, if you watched an episode of Law & Order, you might discuss norms (folkways, mores, laws), subcultures, values, beliefs, etc. including the behaviors of any of the characters.

The philosopher whose work I still find relevant today is Harriet Martineau (1802–1876). She made her observations on a wider scope on customs and practices of both Britain and USA about the social ills that plagued the society then. Imperatively “she emphasized the impact of economy, law, trade, health, and population on social problems (Schaefer, 2017, p. xx).” This further accentuates the fact that the problems encountered by the society are due to the administration of justice unfairly, unfairly trade policies that impoverishes the majority whereas on a few get rich, access to healthcare to those who have alone and problems of managing the overgrowing population of the world. These are issues that only USA and Britain have to grapple with, but they are worldwide.
Additionally, “she spoke in favor of the rights of women, the emancipation of slaves, and religious tolerance (Schaefer, 2017, p. xx).” The representations of women in legislative assemblies, the growing number of immigrant from slavery in some African countries into Europe and religious liberty have shaped many discourses in our society right now. Thus her ideas, direct us, as intellectuals to think and act our ideals and ideas so as to change the world. And that the emancipation of the women rights and saving the girl child should be a concern of most people.
Schaefer, R. T. (2017). Understanding Sociology. In Introduction to Sociology (12th ed.). McGraw Hill.
The television series which I recently watched is the Greenleaf created by Craig Wright, and executive produced by Oprah Winfrey and Lionsgate Television. Even though the series mostly features on the African-American populace and championing of religious liberty, it offers a lot in terms of culture and cultural variation. The issue here is thus homosexuality and how the church handles it.
Cultural variation occurs when and this is seen in Memphis, the fictional town in which these events occurs. Kevin, the husband to Charity who daughter to Bishop Greenleaf is grappling with homosexuality and this brings a problem in their marriage. And it is this that eventually leads to them divorcing.
The above depicts how being bla...
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