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National and International Policies (Essay Sample)

Post paragraphs in which you evaluate the impact of national and international policies, laws, programs, and efforts that aim to protect the environment. Your post should include the following: A description of the particular national or international policy, law, or program you chose to consider and the impact it has on protecting the environment An estimation of what its impact will be in 10 to 15 years Any considerations you think would strengthen its impact source..
National and International Policies Name Institution National and International Policies The convention on biological diversity has 168 signatories. The convention entered into force on 29 December 1993 in accord with article 36(1) of the United Nations (UN). The convention marks a historic commitment by nations of the world to conserve the environment. The signatories of the convention commit to conserving bio-diversity, exploiting biological resources sustainably, and sharing benefits arising from genetic resources equitably. The treaty has succeeded in generating interest in environmental issues at the national level. The convention helped instigate a political climate that considers biodiversity as an important part of the development and environmental issues. The main reason for this influence on national politics is that the convention takes a flexible approach to implementation (Glowka et al., 1999). The realization of the convention on biological diversity is flexible and dealt with at the national level. There are strategic goals and targets that have been achieved by sovereign states. These include raising awareness about the multiple benefits of conserving the environment, integrating environmental conservation incentives at the national and local development strategies, and implementing sustainable plans for the consumption and production of natural resources. Despite these achievements, many goals and targets remain unachieved. The convention has succeeded in promoting the proposition that biodiversity is a common concern; however, sovereign states have the rights over the biological diversity in their jurisdiction (Glowka et al., 1999). The convention has succeeded i...
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