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Routine Activity Theory (RAT) (Essay Sample)

For this week's assignment, I want you to define Routine Activity Theory (RAT). Then I want you to explain to me how this can assist in the process of creating a profile. How can the use of this theory help you narrow down the suspect pool as we have discussed in class? Complete this assignment in no less than 750 words and also, make sure to cite at least two references. source..
The Routine Activity Theory Students Name: Institution Affiliate: Course Name: Instructor: Due Date: Routine Activity Theory Routine Activity Theory (RAT) is a criminological theory that gives insight into how crime occurs as a result of three vital aspects including the absence of capable guardians, motivated offenders, and suitable targets. The theory was first introduced in 1979 by Lawrence Cohen and Marcus Felson and has since then become one of the most powerful theories concerning criminology (Miro-Linares, 2014). About the theory, crime occurs when a motivated offender comes in contact with a suitable target in the absence of capable guardians. A motivated offender is described as someone who has the intention or urges to commit a crime, whereas a suitable target is a person or an object that the offender is attracted to as their victim. Then the absence of capable guardians whereby there is a lack of systems and individuals in place that can deter or prevent the offender from performing the crime. According to RAT, crime is more likely to occur in situations where these three elements are connected. For instance, an empty and unlocked house, without a security system or neighbors close by, shows a suitable target for a motivated offender thus widening the risk and likelihood of a break-in occurring. In the same way, an individual who is walking by themselves in a deserted and deserted street is a suitable target for a motivated offender (Miro-Linares, 2014), mostly if there are no capable guardians in the area. How Routine Activity Theory assists in the process of making a profile. Routine Activity Theory (RAT) can be beneficial in the process of making a profile because it provides an understanding of the situational factors that volunteer to the behavior of criminals (Argun &Daglar, 2016). By identifying the vital elements that must be linked for a crime to happen which are suitable targets, the absence of capable guardians, and motivated offenders the theory can help to determine the conditions under which a crime is most likely to happen. In terms of profiling, RAT can help in disclosing possible offenders by exploring the elements of the crime scene and the offender’s behavior. This is evidenced by if a robbery happened in a silent, residential neighborhood, it may indicate that the offender is a person familiar with the area and lives close by. Also, in case a robbery happened in a busy public area, it may be an indication that the offender is an individual who is less likely to attract attention to themselves and is comfortable operating in an environment that is crowded. Further, the theory can also aid in identifying potential targets by inspecting the attributes of the environment where the crime happened. For instance, if an assault happened in a deserted and dark corridor, it suggests that the offender targeted the victim because they were in an isolated and vulnerable spot. Additionally, if in case a robbery (Argun &Daglar, 2016) happened in a house without any sort of security, it is a suggestion that it was targeted by the offender because it was an attractive and accessible target. Therefore, it is recommended the Routine Activity Theory is used to analyze possible targets and offenders. This helps increase the possibility of capturing and identifying the offender since profiling will be more targeted and focused. In addition, the awareness availed by RAT can also help to inform situational crime prevention approaches that can be administered to increase public safety and lower the opportunities. How Routine Activity Theory is used to narrow down the suspect pool One of the most important ways in which the Routine Activity Theory can be used to narrow down suspects is by determining the likely aims of the offender. By analyzing the nature of the offense and the crime scene, investigators can strive to understand the basic aims of the offender. Specifically, if a crime seems to be financially motivated, individuals who have financial hardships and a history of monetary crimes will be the investigator’s focal point. By understanding the likely motives of the offender, investigators can narrow down the list of possible suspects and focus their analysis on those who are most likely to have performed the crime (Argun & Daglar, 2016). Next, the assumption that offenders overlook the costs and benefits of their actions prior to performing a crime is an important aspect of the theory. Here, investigators can use this information to try to narrow down potential suspects by reconstructing the decision-making process of the offender. This later l...
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