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Enterprise Architecture (EA) (Essay Sample)

This task asks the writer to discuss arguments for and against the use of EA (Enterprise Architecture), as well as its potential benefits and outcomes. The writer should also address how EA can deliver value to an organization by drawing on information from the assigned readings, videos, and additional research. source..
Enterprise Architecture (EA) Student Name Course, Department Instruction Instructor Date Enterprise Architecture (EA) Enterprise Architecture is an approach that creates an interconnected system that links technology, staff members and processes within the organization to obtain outcomes supporting its primary objectives. This involves constructing a logical organization of the varied parts of an enterprise's IT infrastructure that align with its planned goals and desired results from particular activities. Arguments for Implementing EA The reasoning for utilizing Enterprise Architecture consists of different views. One argument is that EA bolsters communication and coordination between persons involved, which can bring about more effective decision-making processes. This may result in businesses achieving improved use of their resources (White, 2018). In addition, EA might help organizations become faster when adapting to modifications. This provides an understanding of the overall architecture, which can then be used to identify areas for improvement, ensuring that changes are implemented quickly and efficiently with minimal disruption (White, 2018). Moreover, A can help to reduce costs by identifying and eliminating inefficiencies in the organization's architecture. Examples include identifying redundant systems or processes or consolidating data storage (White, 2018). Additionally, EA can improve security by providing a comprehensive view of an organization's IT infrastructure, which helps assess and mitigate potential risks from threats and ensure that suitable security controls are implemented effectively. Arguments against Implementing EA There are some arguments against implementing Enterprise Architecture (EA), such as the Satisfaction No Guaranteed' argument, which suggests that even though it is possible to make predictions about how successful implementation might be based on flows constructed with sophisticated techniques (Andriole, 2020). There is no guarantee for achieving positive outcomes because certain factors like varying organizational cultures may make expected results not materialize despite all efforts taken during game-planning phases. Secondly, the increased complexity of having such a framework in place can become a hindrance when improving overall operations due to management changes where plans and objectives change frequently (High, 2014). Additionally, an initial cost is often involved in setting up EA as resources are required for implementation, including internal hires or external consultants. Benefits and Outcomes of Implemented Enterprise Architecture (EA) Benefits and outcomes expected when implementing EA include reducing technology risk by providing a framework for managing IT systems and processes, which helps identify potential threats and vulnerabilities earlier to prevent costly downtime or security breaches (Lowgren, 2020). Moreover, it facilitates compliance with regulations like capturing data about the organization's hardware, software, and people, thus understanding how their technology supports their goals and regulatory requirements while also assisting in addressing gaps. Lastly, EA builds organizational resilience by providing an overview of operational elements such as business processes, applications, data, and tech infrastructure, enabling businesses to identify hazards and prepare mitigation strategies (Lowgren, 2020). How EA Delivers Value to an Organization Enterprise architecture (EA) delivers value to an organization in several ways. Firstly, EA provides a comprehensive view of the broader IT environment, which assists decision-makers with identifying potential risks and opportunities that would not be visible otherwise (High, 2014). Secondly, it can help ...
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