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Industrialization (Essay Sample)


Linking of learning with industrialization. How learning should be planned in such a manner that it can boost industrialization.

Inquiry method is a student-centered method of instructional education that focuses on asking questions. Students asks questions to the teacher who on the other hand should not give answers but who provokes the mind of the learner who themselves generates the answers to the issue raised. This therefore calls for critical thinking amongst the students. This means that there exists free interaction amongst the parties involved.
Therefore, inquiry education is a student centered which focuses mainly on asking questions. The students ask questions in which case the instructor raises an issue to provoke the logical and critical thinking amongst the learners. He/ she does not answer the question asked, rather he/she should provide guidelines to the learners upon which a solution to the issue at hand will be raised through intensive research by the learners Carin A. A. ,Constant T. L. & Bass J.[Endnotes Carin A. A., Constant T. L. & Bass J.: Method for teaching sciences as inquiry. (London. Pearson, 2008.) 34-75.]
This encourages independent thinking. According to Neil P. & Charles W, the learners focuses their attention and activity on the dynamic process of inquiry itself not merely the end product of static knowledge.[Neil Postman & Charles Weingartner. Teaching as a Subversive Activity.( New York. Dell Publisher. 1969). 123-187.]
Before deliberating on how much control to give to the students, the pedagogical purpose that the experiment is to be done should be considered. Then teacher should also consider the nature of materials to be used and also the available space for carrying out the experiment.
As such therefore, inquiry based learning is mainly involving students and driving them to understanding and internalizing content of a given topic or subject of study. Learners ask questions and research on them mainly for the sole purpose of gaining knowledge as well as information. This learning method is in form of active learning. In this process, the progress is assed through how well student develops experimental and analytical skills rather than how much they know.[Awbrey John & Awbrey Susan. Interpretation as Action: the risk of inquiry: critical thinking across the disciplines. (New York. Pearson publisher, 1995) 17-102)]
Inquiry learning is therefore, the process of seeking knowledge and information through questioning. It can be applied in all fields and disciplines, which have been, confirmed different researches and methods of study. Questioning and finding answers is therefore extremely important aspect of inquiry based-based learning that is the discovery in its nature? It describes a range of philosophical circular and pedagogical approaches to teaching and content delivery.
The inquiry based learning has got four levels. These are:
• confirmation inquiry
• structured inquiry
• guided inquiry and
• open inquiry
In confirmation inquiry students are provided with questions and the method they ought to apply in their study.
In structured method questions and procedures are still provided by the by the teacher. However, learners generate an explanation which is backed up by the evidence they collected and analyzed.
Under guided inquiry the instructor provides students with only the research question and students are the ones to design the procedures to test their question and subsequently their explanation (P. & Charles W. 1969).
In the open inquiry method students have the purest opportunities to act like scientists, deriving questions, designing as well as conducting investigations. They then communicate their results. This level requires the highest level of both scientific and technical reasoning. It calls for the greatest cognitive demand from the students.
The teachers should organize their lesson plans according to the dynamically changing community needs. They should be discreet and lie within knowledge desires and should more importantly communicate the intended knowledge and ideas.[Ravitch Diane. National standards in American Education: A Citizen's Guide. (Washington D.C. Brooking Institution press,1995) 76-94.]
The inquiry is based on fact that knowledge is a tentative and a social construction of thoughts and ideas. Students should as such be given both time and learning resources conduct their own experiments and research. The teacher should act as a mere guide and a facilitator. He is therefore solely an instructor. Through this, students are able to come up with a conclusion based on their understanding of the topic under discussion (Branchi H. & Bell R. 2008). Additionally, students are given a chance or time to discuss with one another on their findings.
According to Neil P. & Charles W. (1969), ideal learners have the following features:
 Desire to find answers to all questions and comfort in not knowing an answer to a difficult task rather than setting.[Neil Postman & Charles Weingartner. Teaching as a Subversive Activity.( New York. Dell Publisher, 1969) 37-76.]
 They have the flexibility in their point of view that is they can change their mind based on the available information.
 They have respect for facts and are able to distinguish facts from opinions.
 Are in a good position to answer questions with sobriety of mind.
 They have no fear of making mistakes.
 They are able to rely on their judgment upon issues as well as topics they have for discussion.
 They do not go beyond the teacher's stipulation. As such they are relevant in their study
 They find pleasure in problem solving and
 They are confident in their learning ability
This instructional method was developed by social studies teachers where students were given data from different countries. They were required to analyze the data and make generalization and predictions about the people of these countries.
On the other hand, according to Kuhlthau C. C, Caspari A. K. & Maniotes L. K. (2005) teachers adhering to the inquiry method ought to have the following characteristics:[Kuhlthau C. C, Caspari A. K. & Maniotes L. K. guided inquiry: Learning in the 21st century. (Westport: Greenwood, 2007) 13-45.]
• Talk to students mostly by way of questions.
• Encourage learners to discover what they ought to know on their own through research and interactive learning amongst themselves.
• They should not accept simple answers to questions. The answers provided should be comprehensive and can be proved.
• These teachers encourage students to interact directly with one another and avoid making conclusions based on what comes out of these discussions.
• They should not plan the exact direction of their lessons in advance. They should give an allowance for flexibility purpose.
• Their lessons should pose problems to the learners.
• They assess their excellence through change in inquiry traits amongst their students. That is, to what extent have they instilled inquisitive thinking amongst their learners?
Project design has several requirements which include gathering and synthesizing information. The information is in turn analyzed in order to make rational conclusions and meaning from it, which are later used in making rational decisions. According to Postman and Charles, a project design has three components which should include the scenario, project presentation page, and student pages.
There has been increased influx in the overall industrial growth in the middle-east countries in the recent past. Definitely, this ought to have been steered forward by many factors. Some of these factors are economically driven. The region have witnessed cumulatively growing trend in all sectors of the economy. The region is majorly comprises of nations such as Dubai, United Arab Emirates (U.A.E), Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Israel key amongst others. This unprecedented growth and development has been due strategic planning on commerce and oil sector in the block. In this project students are supposed to conduct a study on the future of this growth.
They should evaluate the ecological effects of the industrial processes taking place, the impact to the environment and the viability of recommended measures employed to mitigate these adverse effects. The students are at freedom to choose any country of their choice in this block. Each should intensify on the given country not ignoring the others. They should look into the structure of the development. They should relate it with the emerging issues. They should look at the inevitable environmental changes and the global climate change triggering factors.
They will have to compare the advantages versus the disadvantages and harm created. From this, the students ought to draw a conclusion and develop recommendations. They should come up with profound judgment on their research work. The students should indicate the scenario which in this case it is the block. Project description should be indicated not forgetting the student pages.
The students ought to be guided by fundamental laws governing research. The New York social studies standards are five which includes:
History of the United States and New York
To express an understanding of ideas and other concepts, various intellectual skills should be used by the students. The themes, eras, and other aspects in the US history should be demonstrated, McGraw-Hill Children's Spectrum (2004).
They should also be able to apply a variety of intellectual skills in demonstrating their understanding of major ideas and aspects in world history and examine the broad sweep of history from a variety of perspectives.
The students, also ought to use a variety of intellectual skills in order to show their understanding of geograp...
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