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Reading American Past (Essay Sample)


reading the past of America


Reading the American past
The American past by Michael Johnson is one of the exceptional and exemplary novels and books that explains and concisely indicates the American past before colonization. Johnson uses the theme of flashback to illustrate how various situations and aspects came to happen. The book clearly outlines how slavery declined and later increased as a result of various issues. Johnson also conveys the aspect of why various areas became more populated than others and the problems that slaves faced and underwent during this period.
Slavery was a very rampant situation during the post-war years, and it was used by those who had power and money in the society. Slavery was taken up as a way of increasing profits for those who had power and finances. Slaves during these years were meant to work in the fields to till and look after cotton, which was used in the manufacture of clothes. These slaves were also used to take the cotton to the factories for the manufacture of clothes. Slaves comprised mainly of children and women. The general definition of a slave is any individual taken to be the legal property of another and one who is forced to obey them. In America, slavery was an aspect taken to be legal and not many people could object.
Many people went to the west to start businesses there since there was a cheap labor provided by the slaves. Those in power never objected to any issue raised regarding slavery as they were also involved in extending the inhumane act. More slaves meant more production of clothes, more cotton planted and more profits enjoyed. Slaves were not well paid and had to go through harsh conditions to lead to the growth of wealth of others. Subjecting children to slavery was a very inhumane act as they had to work under strict and bad conditions, which could endanger their health.
Johnson explains how those who hated slavery tried to echo their voices to see the end of the vice. In 1848, women activists started movements that fought for their rights. Women were among those used as slaves to enrich others. Their echoes were taken up by other women and various other men who wanted the abolition of slavery. Slavery was termed as imprisonment of human rights, an aspect that was against the rights of each. Quakers took over the movement, and many Americans started joining to push for the abolition of slavery. The push for the abolishment of slavery took momentum and gained heat and had many people demand the government abolish the vice. In 1832, Virginia people were very rampant as they pushed for the abolishment of slavery. The push was among the biggest protests faced during that time. In 1831, many whites died after a fight erupted when a serious rebellion against slavery was organized by Nat Turner. The rebellion was the push that made the south abolish slavery.
Various people as explained by Johnson who campaigned for the abolishment of slavery included a free black called David Walker. Walker’s push for slavery abolishment was further taken up by William Lloyd Garrison. Garrison introduced a newspaper, where he published for the abolishment of slavery. Lloyd published an antislavery newspaper called the Liberator, which spread and enlightened people about the need for abolishing slavery. The push to end slavery continued gaining momentum and was later joined by white evangelicals. The white evangelical pushed for the abolishment of slavery as they saw the act as sinful.
The call for slavery abolishment went ahead to gain support from the American anti-slavery society that funded talking tours regarding anti-slavery activists like Theodore Dwight Weld and Wendell Phillips. The anti-slavery society got support from various people like Frederick Douglass and Sojourner Truth, who saw the anti-slavery message as very essential. In 1826, the southern side had already abolished slavery.
Based on the evidence and facts provided by Johnson, slavery was viewed differently by various people. Slaves as stated by Johnson were seen as people who lacked civil and human rights. Lack of civil and human rights made many employers use slaves badly, and they were treated badly. Slave owners saw that keeping slaves healthy and satisfied was the only right they had. There were those who viewed slavery as inhumane and that slaves also had civil and human rights. There were slave owners, who were kind enough and also went against the rules set to educate their slaves.
The various people against and for slavery had different views in regards to how slavery effects had upon the political aspect. Those against slavery saw it as an issue that led to the downfall of the economy and health. Slavery was seen as a way of dehumanizing those who had no power to fight it. The people for slavery saw no political problems associated with slavery. In fact, the people for slavery saw it as an opportunity to increase the economy of the place and as a means of earning more profits. There were those who were against it, and they saw it as a better way to increase the economy, but suggested that a better way of treating slaves be introduced. There were those who viewed slavery as a form of cheap means of acquiring their profits and getting their work done. There were those who viewed slavery as a bad issue that tarnished the image of a place.
Slavery is one of the acts that impose inhumane conditions towards people. Slavery also implies that people’s rights are not considered, and people are meant to work under conditions that are not good. Slavery as posted by Johnson indicates that it was rampant in America since and during the early times. There those who saw slavery as a way of earning their profits and increasing the economy. The people working in those farms faced terrible working conditions, which could have led to diseases and even death. Good working conditions constitute a good working atmosphere. An extent of using children as slaves indicates that there were those who never cared about the rights of others and cared more about money, riches and good businesses.
A group of individuals that stood up to fight for the rights of slaves had a big passion for life. There were a lot of things that were at stake for those who were enslaved. Children, men and women enslaved risked losing their health as a result of the terrible working conditions. Slaves had to work in extreme weather conditions to ensure that the produce of rich whites never failed to grow. These slaves could also work at times when the sun and rain were prevalent thus putting them at risk of getting respiratory diseases and skin diseases. The chemicals used in factories also implied that these slaves could be exposed to harmful chemicals, which could affect their bodies. Children were at the centre of trouble as it means they could risk getting growth diseases. Exposure to the hazardous chemicals used in factories, these could affect their growth rate.
The other aspect that was at stake for slaves was their future. Their future included aspects like education. Slaves never underwent through schools, thus they never gained knowledge attained by the whites. Lack of education meant that their future would be hard since they would have to rely on other people for jobs that pay cheap and these were farm jobs. Children were at the c...
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