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Discuss E-Commerce: Its Development and Future Perspective (Essay Sample)


This sample is about e-commerce its development and future perspective.


11th JULY 2014
E-commerce is a form of business model that facilitate firms to conduct their business through use of electronic media with internet connection. This can be a connection of one business to another as well as connection of one customer to another. This has allowed different firms to establish new market presence as well as enhancing the existing market position. This has been achieved through establishment of cheaper and more efficient product and service distribution channel. There is also enhanced service delivery due to reduce delivery time frame thus, E-commerce being in line with the overall business objective of improving profitability. Its development has been gradual over years as business have adopted the new technology and incorporated it in their routine. This is evidenced by Hawk’s finding of inexistence of e-commerce in most parts of the world in 90’s. Thus there is need to understand its development to date so as to establish it future course.
The dynamic changes in information communication technology serves as a land mark for the development of e-commerce. The initial stage started as an internet marketing platform that did later evolve as business adopted internet in their business systems. Cerf was of the view that there was a direct relationship between the rates of change of internet speed to the advancement of e-commerce. Despite the growth, the affordability of the internet was a problem. This was the main challenge for commencement as it was only affordable to large corporate for communication. Innovativeness and willingness developed close social networking that did enhance marketing technology bringing forth e-commerce as advertising was the easiest mode to reach everyone in early 2000.
The uses of e-commerce have been eased by the numerous productions of cheaper personal computers as the medium business can afford to adopt technology. Intern, the e-commerce offers more opportunities for product marketing as well as enhances employee selection as it will focus on employee potential in relation to information and value addition. Thus, adoption according to Gentile becomes essential so as to maintain a competitive edge. Apart from communication, e-commerce is a mode of improvement of the channel of distribution that enhances the marketing strategy of an entity which core objective is to generate revenue. While this is achieved, the desired development objective of the e-commerce is achieved.
The future of e-commerce is perfectly vested on the perspective of once view of the causal effect of it. Different scholars have different view of its future. According to Hawk, e-commerce has the potential to grow and expand so far as there is improvement of technology that will demand new way of marketing as well as trading online. These until there reach a harmonious ground between the technology and the trading mechanisms. This is further enhanced by Cerf whose view is that the technological aspect is still at its first phases and due to that there is a direct relationship, e-commerce have a rich future to hold on as new evolutions comes in. In contrast to the two scholar work, Gentile thinks otherwise. His stand is that e-commerce has already stabilized and its aim it just to realize the returns invested on it. This is to be achieved through manipulation of different domains of e-commerce to maintain a competitive position. To lap up it all from the different opinions of the scholars, the dynamism of the information communication technology is the backb

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