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Critical Thinking (Essay Sample)


Researching on the importance of critical thinking among students.


Critical thinking
It is extremely essential for students to develop adept skills in the ways in which they present their ideas, and how they argue in defence of their propositions. Existing knowledge can only be regarded as truthful as far as it possesses backup evidence. Therefore, it is necessary for students to be subjected to a wide variety of learning methods. This helps them to gunner argumentative acquisitions. According to Warren (1995), students who learn critical thinking skills in a formal environment possess improved performance and thinking abilities. These abilities help them to substantiate the content of the ideas they develop along their course in a philosophical manner.
Critical thinking is a great tool that helps an individual to reason and reflect properly in their mentation processes in order to develop sound judgement. Warren presents that critical thinking involves the development of certain essential skills. Critical thinkers also possess dispositions, which enhance their critical thinking skills. The ability to assess arguments as well as present causal or factual claims form a part of the skills which a critical thinker should exhibit. All these skills have a similarity in that they help the individual to substantiate their thinking processes. Some of the dispositions that a critical thinker embraces include decisiveness, persistence, as well as interpersonal sensitivity. All the dispositions of a critical thinker are similar in that help the individual to embrace differences in idea presentation exhibited by other students. These skills and dispositions relate in a way that helps a thinker in their idea evaluation, and they collectively help an individual in choosing what to believe.
According to Warren, critical thinking is a constituent of what she refers to as the three C’s: the other two C’s consist of content knowledge and creative thinking. All these aspects help a student towards achieving a comprehensive ability to subject every idea to a complex process of reflective analysis. Critical thinking is an extremely important tool in the life of a student in that it helps in the process of validating arguments. Though the process of critical thinking is dependent on the subj...
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