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History of Michigan (Essay Sample)

1400words 5 page paper on Michigan history INTRODUCTION EARLIEST INHABITANTS THE STATEHOOD Michigan drastic changes CONCLUSION REFERENCES European settlement comes with great opposition among indigenous natives, though it has negative impacts, considering the history of Michigan it had positive effects. From population growth to interracial marriages and robust economic growth. Also the statehood of Michigan depended on European settlement. it was for united states declaration of Michigan as a state, that paved way for economic growth and industrial production. In the history of Michigan, Detroit was a small city, but later it became a leading automobile producer. Decades ago a nation that existed and inhabited by Native Americans and some French explorers. With a population of three nations who co-existed peacefully to form three fire council. source..
History of Michigan Students Name Instructor Institution Date History of Michigan Introduction Michigan derives its name from an Ojibwe word meaning large water or lake. It is a state located in the great lakes region of the Midwestern upper side of the united states. The present-day Michigan consisted of the native American population decades ago, which included the Ojibwe, Ottawa, and Potawatomi, all which belonged to Algonquian linguistic group. These three states existed peacefully as a loose alliance regarded as the council of three fires. The Ojibwe were estimated to be the largest nation, while a smaller population of Wyandot was located in the south east part of Michigan (Church,2020). Native Americans and French explorers occupied Michigan for a thousand years until France defeat in the Indian and French war, where the region became a British colony. Later the British were defeated in the revolutionary battle of America, where a treaty of Paris increased the boundaries of the united states to include south of Canada and east of the Mississippi River. When Ohio was welcomed to the union, Michigan became part of Indiana. European explorers who came over to Michigan revolutionized the economic and political systems. Michigan has undergone extensive changes of ownerships. This is because the nation was controlled by several and different countries ranging from France, Spain, England, and later the united states after being allowed into the union. The article aims at analyzing the history of Michigan broadly based on people, their cultural life, economy, government, and statehood (Magnaghi, 2017). Earliest inhabitants A thousand years ago, a nation by the name of Michigan existed that Native Americans and some French explorers inhabited. The population included three countries that co-existed peacefully to form three fire councils. The nation was first under the French colony until a defeat by the British during the French-American war. Later the area became under northwest territory, upon which Michigan became part of Indiana territory (Britt, 2018). The nation became a center of trade and industry, receiving widespread migration from many countries. Before establishing contact with Europeans, the Michigan population practiced agriculture and fishing activities. Hunting and gathering activities were also practiced. The quantity and availability of wild foods and plants determined the proportional time spent on each activity. Michigan being at the center of the great lake, people living on the lakeside shores practiced fishing while those on land domesticated various crops; beans and maize (Church,2020). The early economy of Michigan covered; trade, mining, lumber, and farming. Discovering Michigan was credited to the French. Etienne Brule was the first European to visit Michigan. He was the fore leader of other missionaries and an explorer who sought a route to the Pacific Ocean. He also catalyzed trade activities and paved the way for French control over Michigan. Most natives engaged in a skirmish with the newcomers (Magnaghi, 2017). The European settlement in Michigan led to warfare between the natives and explorers. The indigenous people did not get along well with the Europeans. Thus hostilities developed. There were repeated attacks that made British sustain serious losses due to native forces attacks and opposition. Later under the leadership of Gladwin Henry, the resistance ceased under British indigenous people formed friendly relationships with them. The people of the region became trade middle men and guides for the explorers. While female provided food to the European settlers. The French in turn offered the indigenous people axes, guns, utensils, jewelry, clothes, and beads. The interaction later formed formal alliances that later lead to intermarriages (Britt, 2018). The statehood history When Europeans arrived in Michigan, it was only inhabited by three tribes namely, Ojibwe, Potawatomi, and Ottawa. The tribes formed a council of three fires. While Ojibwe formed the largest population in the upper side of the peninsula, Ottawa lived to the west and Potawatomi Michigan on the southwest. Miami and Huron formed the smallest population. French were the first Europeans to arrive, Brule arrived first in search for a route to China. As soon as Europeans settled, the French claimed the colony of Michigan and began trading activities with the indigenous natives for furs (Magnaghi, 2017). The voyageurs travelled across rivers for trading activities. Furs were the main trade item for other goods that would attract high price value back home. Antonio, a Frenchman, founded a trading post at Fort du Detroit, which later became the city of Detroit. British took control of Michigan after the end of the French and Indian war. As soon as the British gained control of the state, more Europeans began to settle in the region. The European settlement made native unhappy thus led to rise of Pontiac rebellion. Under this rebellion, a group of tribes united under Ottawa's leadership to fight back British settlement. After the war, Michigan was declared a part of northwest territory by united states. However, British delayed to leave Michigan, eventually they left the city of Detroit were they had dominated. Michigan became a fully territory of the united states in 1805. Another war occurred between the British and Americans over the city of Detroit, where the British were defeated. that marked the statehood opening for Michigan. The statehood opened more settlements for newcomers leading to population growth, and officially, Michigan was allowed to the union as a 26th state with its capital being Detroit city, where later it was transferred to Lansing (Britt, 2018). Michigan drastic changes The European settlement opened the economy of Michigan. As the nation grew rapidly thus the name ‘Michigan fever’. The state experienced thousands of agricultural settlers from different countries and others who were foreign born. Cities like Detroit profited from copper and iron resources (Church,2020). The state of the economy propelled through agriculture, mining, lumbering and manufacturing activities. Automotive industry dominated the Michigan economy. Also the industrial production intensified at all levels and the Michigan economy was buoyant. The economy of Michigan underwent dramatic changes, starting with automobile invention. Henry F led developments of assembly line and affordable car models at Detroit (Magnaghi, 2017). With these innovation Detroit was the leading automobile manufacturing in the world with major car modelers like ford, Chrysler and general motors. thus automotive industry dominated the economy of Michigan. However other diverse activities propelled the economy like mining, agriculture and lumbering. The above activities intensified industrial production making Michigan a buoyant economy A great depression began in 1929 that increased unemployment and deflation above the nation average levels, because industrial products of the state were not priorities of life. This made Michigan undergo swings, where organized labour was a considered an econ...
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