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Social Class and Gender Role Transition in 18th Century North America (Essay Sample)

the direction for this task was , "HOW DID PATTERNS OF CLASS AND GENDER ROLES CHANGE IN EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY NORTH AMERICA?" Instructions You will write a brief 900-1200 word (3- to 4-page) research essay for this course, employing outside secondary sources. You must submit your paper as an attachment. It is required to be on google docs it should be double-spaced, with one-inch margins and in ten- or twelve-point type. Your papers should be carefully composed, well-organized, and proofread. You will lose points for excessive grammar and spelling errors. You must include endnotes or footnotes and a bibliography, both in the Chicago style. I realize that many of you are not familiar with this citation style. However, it is standard in history and I require that you use it—you will lose points from your essay if you do not. You should also refer to the Chicago Manual of Style’s online guide which you can find at: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) And you can type “Chicago Style Footnotes” and/or “Chicago Style Bibliography” into YouTube and find a variety of videos explaining the mechanics of Chicago footnotes. I like: Chicago Style Citation Formats: Chicago Citations for Footnotes & Endnotes (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) Minimize Video It is just one of many—look around and find the one that helps you the most. Sources You must use at least THREE reputable, peer-reviewed outside sources that are not assigned as part of the class reading. To learn about peer-reviewed sources, look at: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) You should use books from the library, or articles from scholarly journals, both of which you can access through the library’s article databases. To access those databases, go to: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) There are a number of types of sources I do not want to see. You MAY NOT USE module material, the textbook, any general encyclopedias (online or otherwise), or non-academic websites. You will lose points if you do not use enough sources or you use improper sources. Stylistic Tips Do not include the phrase, “According to the dictionary, x is…” Do not use the first person (“I,” “me,” etc.) or the second person (“you”). This is a formal essay. If you need to use a pronoun, it should be the indefinite “one.” Do not refer to any historical person, male or female, by his or her first name. Do not use contractions. Do not use lengthy quotes—these are brief papers. Penalties If your paper is short of the 100-word minimum length (excluding the title page and bibliography), you will lose 1 point per missing 100 words. If you do not write on an approved topic, you will receive a zero. If you plagiarize even part of your paper, you will receive a zero. source..
Social Class and Gender Role Transition in 18th Century North America Name here Course Number/ Title Instructor Name April 9, 2024 Social Class and Gender Role Transition in 18th Century North America In the 18th Century, America was transitioned through the enlightenment, revolutions, and independence. From the onset of the 18th century, America recorded significant progress in commerce, trade, and science due to increasing populations of European immigrants and the development of systems that promoted trade and commerce. Notably, the class systems were stratified by the power and wealth one owned in society, with distinct categories; the gentry, middle class, and the poor. Gender roles were defined as men, and women had their different roles in the community. However, due to the vital societal influences of the time, trade, commerce, war, and independence, there was a transition in the social classes and gender roles throughout the century. The paper explores class patterns and gender role transition in North America during the 18th century and identifies potential relationships with societal changes and influences. There existed three social classes in North America during the 18th century, and these are the gentry, middle-class men, and the poor. The gentry was the wealthiest class owning carriages and mansions in the country. They owned large plantations and were allowed to vote. The gentry separated themselves from the rest of the population. With more visitors from different countries, the country grew economically, and various groups and classes emerged. The wealthiest were then referred to as the merchant elites, and they had power and success. The merchant elites exported goods from the farm and engaged in the sugar trade. Despite fewer urban areas and large plantations, the farms are referred to as the plantation elites. The latter owned and controlled large farms that earned them a high social class in society. Notably, the merchant elites and plantation elites were also referred to as the colonial elites since they were the wealthiest during the colonial period. The elites had a specific social behavior and gentility that distinguished them from those of different status. It made it easy for them to identify each other and even easier to create networks with others.[Mitchell, Robert D. "The formation of early American cultural regions: An interpretation." In European settlement and development in North America, pp. 66-90. University of Toronto Press, 2019.] Land meant freedom in the 18th century. Middle-class men relied on their land to be self-sufficient hence successful. There were a few free black men, and they tried to own land too. The rate at which men became free for slavery led to a scarcity of land, elevating the country's poverty rate. There were ethnic groups like the German and French who owed smallholdings and received support from other towns. Among the German and French men, prosperous lawyers, merchants, and doctors retiring as gentle-men by buying lands. Most importantly, commercial activities created a dependency on trade, making people wealthy and successful.[Mitchell, Robert D. "The formation of early American cultural regions: An interpretation." In European settlement and development in North America, pp. 66-90. University of Toronto Press, 2019.] Gender roles in the 18th century influenced society member's culture and personal life. Notably, the difference between a woman and a man's functions and roles were gradually changing throughout the century. In the 1700s, society valued men for their courage, intelligence, and determination. Thus, the latter was regarded as the more dominant sex. Women were expected to be modest, chastity, and compassionate. In this case, men set standards that women were expected to follow and had no legal identity as an individual at that time. Women were legally and socially repressed as they grew more robust against discrimination. For instance, women were not allowed to speak in public, but the constant law change still did not give them any liberties.Women were denied any liberties despite the constitution changes taking place since the authority, jury, and judges mainly constituted men. For example, when a woman encountered a lawsuit, she was defended by a man, judged by a man, and in most cases might have been accused by a man; in this case, men took control over the whole situation. Notably, the country mainly depended on farming and the plantation where women could not work nor own. Women's contributions were regarded less important and weak regardless of the situation.[Giuliano, Paola. "Gender: An historical perspective." (2017).] On the contrary, gender roles began to diverge during the 18th century due to growth in trade and the economy. Women joined in the economic production however worked under the supervision of men. Some of the duties women engaged in entailed tending to animals, harvesting, and marketing foodstuffs. In this case, the responsibilities women performed were still unrecogn...
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