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Consumer Behavior theory and Practice (Essay Sample)

Assignment Three: An examination of selected aspects of Consumer Behaviour theory and practice – with special consideration of sustainability - in relation to the products of Icebreaker Learning Outcomes: 1. Explain how the principal theories of consumer behaviour can be applied to marketing. 2. Discuss the internal influences on the consumer as an individual, and their impact on purchasing and consumption behaviour. 3. Discuss the external influences on the consumer in their social context, and their impact on purchasing and consumption behaviour. 4. Evaluate trends in consumer behaviour and apply them to an actual product or service. Task: The Marketing Manager of Icebreaker has approached you to provide them with a report on the application of Consumer Behaviour theories/concepts to the way people consume Icebreaker products. Icebreaker is aware of Sustainability as a major trend in apparel shopping and is especially interested in the influence of Sustainability on today’s consumption behaviour. Write a 2000 word report that analyses the topic “An examination of selected aspects of Consumer Behaviour theory and practice – with special consideration of sustainability - in relation to the products of Icebreaker.” You need to demonstrate your understanding of internal and external influences on consumer decision making and its application to Icebreaker’s products. As a starting point, read two articles/reports available on stream: • Icebreaker also available at: icebreaker-founder-jeremy-moon-turned-25000-into-288-million & • Sustainability (“Sustainability sells: Why consumers and clothing brands alike are turning to sustainability as a guiding light”) also available at: consumers-shop?r=AU&IR=T You will have to undertake additional background research on Icebreaker; Sustainability (as a trend in apparel shopping) and Icebreaker’s approach to sustainable consumption. source..
Consumer Behavior theory and Practice Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Number and Name Instructor Name Date Consumer Behavior theory and Practice Introduction Consumer behavior involves studying how customers tend to buy certain products in a business. A person going for shopping does not necessarily buy goods. Through the understanding of certain behaviors which consumers have towards a service or product helps marketers to fully understand best ways for customer satisfaction. In every firm marketers do their best in knowing what influences the ability of customers to purchase a product and what would definitely stop them from purchasing. Icebreaker is a clothing brand which have used concepts of sustainability in attaining customer satisfaction for a long period. Through the company’s creation on the basis of sustainability philosophy the paper depicts the connection between consumer behavior concepts and their relevance to Icebreaker with emphasis on sustainability and sustainable consumption. Consumer decision making process and application The consumer decision making process involves process on which customers become aware as well as identifying their needs through collecting information on how to solve their needs on, evaluating the available alternative options and making purchasing decisions with evaluation. By making the understanding of consumer decision making process firms are able to benefit a lot in making sure that their products get the required attention within the market (Karpenko & Ivannikova, 2020). The ecommerce businesses are the one which benefit a lot with the process since they optimize its usage to the fullest. The reason is that online shoppers tend to generate more data compared to brick stores which help in implementing conversations on every stage of the process. The first stage of consumer decision making process is need recognition. The stage involves the consumer realizing their needs with the help of internal and external stimuli. As per the understanding of consumer purchasing, regardless of the reason someone tends to buy something depends on their emotional and psychological approach. In the Icebreaker Company, Jeremy Moon knew exactly what could have driven consumers approach towards fashion and he already had their first stage incorporated (Bangsa & Schlegelmilch, 2020). By customers thinking on liking the wool clothes, Jeremy noticed the idea and realized that by filling the gap the company could establish international market. Searching for information about the product one wants to buy is the second stage of consumer decision making process. Buyers of a certain product will need to have full information on what they need from a certain product. Through the consumers having the answers for their products buyers tend to buy more. The third stage of consumer decision making process is evaluating alternative obtained from searching of answers (. In doing so, a consumer is able to get another product which could satisfy the needs for the first choice product. Fourth stage is purchasing decision which enables consumers to make sure that they either have what they needed or alternative product. In so doing their needs become fully or partially satisfied. The last stage of consumer decision making process is post-purchase evaluation which could lead to returning back of goods if they had warranty (Panwar et al., 2019). Through the Icebreaker Company being based on understanding the consumer decision making process, the firm was able to satisfy customer needs. Internal Influences of consumer decision making process The internal influences of consumer behaviors and decision making come from the customer’s own lifestyle and their way of thinking. Search influences mostly come from the way customer precepts on something they are willing to purchase. Firstly the consumer decision making is affected through the customer attitude (Chen et al., 2018). The attitude is considered to be the most significant buying determinant behavior. Many marketer within firms make sure that they pay maximum attention towards consumer's attitude so that they may capture the attention of the customer. Through making evaluations, the customer decides the brands to be purchased or the seller who can satisfy their needs. Therefore, attitude will play an important role in directly influencing the consumer behavior. The Icebreaker Company products consumers are influenced by the attitudes they have on purchasing. The buying of t-shirts from the company has greatly affected by the way consumers feel towards the fashion. With the company having uniqueness in their production of t-shirts, many consumers have shown their changed attitude to a positive one towards their purchasing power. The hoodies form the company have been considered by many consumers to be one of the best and thus the company has been able to sell in large numbers. Additionally, other products from the company including socks and accessories have been bought concerning the attitude consumers have on them. Therefore, the company has made sure that a positive mindset towards its products is mostly created among consumers so as to achieve god attitude on purchasing of such goods. Motivation is also an internal influencing factor on consumer behavior and decision making in purchasing. Due to the reason that consumers are in the process of satisfying their needs, motivation plays an important role as the driving force on customer purchasing power. The motivation encourages impulse buying through the interaction with the brand and what they feel towards the firm or products. Many consumers tend to be get motivation from their fried s and families with the aim of knowing a certain product more. If a customer is motivated to buy a product they are in the most form to purchase the product or even the alternative product. Through the reinforcement of consumer needs across a promotional activity the ignition of desire to find solution is produced. The Icebreaker Company has made sure that they reinforce the consumer needs promotional activity so as to make sure that they get enough motivation to be willing to purchase their products. The company has made sure that they perform various promotional advertisements which offer additional products so that customers have more purchasing power. The hoodies and t-shirts from the company have had uniqueness so as to make sure that every person in the market is motivated to make purchasing. Lifestyle is the third factor that influences the consumer behavior and decision making. Lifestyles can be depicted as persons’ way of living or the things people do in their daily lives. For instance, in today life obesity has been due to lifestyles of healthy life among young people. Therefore, the way people live has impacted their desire to purchase a certain product so that they can feel descent (Xu et al., 2017). Thus the consumer behavior and decision making will get influenced by how decency is parcepted in a certain society. The lifestyle of people from a certain region will influence how people feel on a specific product. The Icebreaker Company has made sure that the products it creates suit mordernicity. The reason is that many consumers prefer the modern fashions rather than the old ones. For instance, the hoodies and t-shirts from the firm have been made suiting the modern fashion trends mostly among young people so as to create an expanded market. Additionally, different regions have varying lifestyles and so, Icebreaker have made sure that they consider certain products for people within a certain region. So, Icebreaker Company have considered the lifestyle factor among people in making sure that their products get big market ranges. External Influences of consumer decision making process Culture influences how consumer behaves and makes decision towards certain product. The cultural factors which have adverse effects on buying of products include basic values, wants, preferences and perceptions. The behaviors which are learned by the consumer from their family members affect their willingness on purchasing power. Additionally, some cultural beliefs have mostly affected how people percept on a certain product. For instance, in fashion brands the Islam women do not prefer wearing of trousers because of their beliefs. Therefore a certain fashion brand should consider selling other clothes in Muslim territories for women (Septian et al., 2017). In Icebreaker brand many of its clothes are based on the cultural beliefs of consumers. Most of the fashions designed for certain consumers within a given region tend to change with one from the other regions. Therefore, through the sustainability understanding of the company, creation of culture accepted fashions have made the company to have a wide range of market. Thus, the Icebreaker Company has been able to make sure that their brand reaches all consumers regardless of their cultural backgrounds. Social class influences how consumers behave on making decision concerning a given products. Each community in the world has a specified form of social class. The social classes which help in choosing of consumer products depends on income, occupation, family background and education. In consideration of such factors, many consumers have preferred a given variety of products compared to others (Rout & Reid, 2019). For instance, within the people with high incomes expensive products is what most prefer compared to cheap ones. So, the more the income of an individual the ability of the person to spend more in buying. Thus, the social class greatly affects the choice made by consumers while purchasing certain products or their alternatives. In Icebreaker Company brand, the idea of social class existence in different markets have helped in guessing the kind of fashion suitable for such people. The brand produces products f...
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