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Contemporary Issues and Management of Change (Essay Sample)

You will be required to complete an essay covering the topic mentioned bellow. The written work should demonstrate your Knowledge & understanding of the selected topic area. In your written work you should underpin your statements and views with evidence from texts to show your understanding of theories and concepts around the topic area. You are required to?make reference?to up-to-date sources (to include book and journal articles) and applied the Harvard Conventions throughout your essay. Topic: Covid and Crisis Management Critically evaluate how COVID-19 changed crisis management within Hospitality/Hotel reflect on lessons learned and identify organisational improvement opportunities for use in future crises. source..
Title: COVID-19 and Crisis Management: Lessons Learned and Organizational Improvement Opportunities in the Hospitality/Hotel Industry Student’s Name Course Instructor’s Name Date Introduction: The global hospitality/hotel industry has been particularly badly struck by the COVID-19 epidemic, which has had a significant impact on many other businesses. This has resulted in considerable adjustments being made to the crisis management procedures used in this industry. This essay analyzes how COVID-19 has changed how crisis management is handled in the hospitality and hotel industries, considers the lessons learned, and pinpoints prospects for organizational development in the event of future crises. The comparison of risk management and crisis management, the pandemic's effects on the hotel sector, and the adaptability and fortitude displayed throughout the COVID-19 crisis are three major areas of attention. 1. Risk Management vs. Crisis Management: The ideas of risk management and crisis management are different but related in the hospitality sector.(Sibevei et al., 2022)argues that In order to avoid catastrophes, risk management entails recognizing, evaluating, and managing potential risks. Contrarily, crisis management describes the steps taken to control and lessen the effects of an unplanned incident or crisis. Risk management seeks to avert crises, whereas crisis management deals with dealing with the fallout from such incidents. The COVID-19 epidemic made the hotel sector more aware of the value of risk and crisis management.(Yacoub and ElHajjar, 2021) holds that, due in large part to inadequate assessment and preparation for the likelihood of a global pandemic, many hotels were unprepared for a crisis of this size. The crisis revealed the flaws in risk management tactics, requiring a review of risk assessment techniques, backup plans, and communication procedures. (Maskrey, Jain and Lavell, 2023) believe that the pandemic serves as a reminder that risk management should be a continual process that adapts consistently to changing circumstances and new threats. Lessons learned and improvement opportunities: Enhanced risk assessment: Future crisis management techniques should incorporate thorough risk analyses that take both established and new hazards into account, such as pandemics, technological disruptions, and environmental issues. Strong contingency planning: Businesses should create flexible, adaptable contingency plans that can be promptly put into action in the event of various disasters. These plans should cover important topics including personnel safety, operational continuity, financial viability, and customer communication. Effective communication procedures : Should focus on establishing timely and transparent lines of communication with all relevant parties, including staff members, visitors, suppliers, and regulatory bodies. In times of crisis, clear and effective communication keeps collaboration, transparency, and trust intact. 2. The impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Hospitality. Hotels have to quickly modify their plans and build resilience in the face of the COVID-19 epidemic in order to lessen its effects. According to (Lombardi, Cunha and Giustiniano., 2021.)Hotels had to put in place a variety of solutions, including tighter cleanliness standards, social isolation, smaller capacity, contactless services, and staff remote work. Many hotels also converted their spaces to act as quarantine centers or as lodging for medical personnel.(Garrido-Moreno, Garcia-Morales and Martín-Rojas., 2021) argue that for hotels to sustain operations and guarantee the safety of both guests and staff, the capacity to swiftly adjust to changing situations and implement new protocols became essential. Lessons learned and improvement opportunities: Health and Safety rules: The installation of strict health and safety rules is one of the most obvious developments brought about by the epidemic. To reduce the danger of COVID-19 transmission, hotels have to create and implement new policies, such as improved cleaning and sanitation practices, mandatory mask use, social distancing measures, and contactless services. The crisis made it clear how important it is to put the health and safety of visitors and employees first, and it will probably continue to be so in the future. Possibility for improvement:(Ghorbani et Al., 2023) Believe that hotels can set up long-term health and safety procedures to assure readiness for any upcoming public health emergencies. To uphold high standards of cleanliness and hygiene, frequent training and employee communication should be conducted. Transparency and communication: During the pandemic, effective communication became crucial. Hotels were required to inform visitors of the changing circumstances, any travel restrictions, and any adjustments to services or opening hours. Guests' trust and confidence were increased through timely and clear communication, which also made it possible to successfully manage expectations. Possibility for improvement: Creating effective internal and external communication channels can help during future crises. (Fung, Tsui and Hon, A.H., 2020) argue that hotels should use a variety of communication channels to notify visitors and swiftly handle any issues. Systems for internal communication should be in place to guarantee that all staff members receive the most recent information and can successfully communicate it to visitors. Flexibility and Adaptability: The hospitality sector experienced unpredictable upheaval due to COVID-19. In order to comply with changing policies, rules, and travel limitations, hotels had to quickly modify their operations. Flexibility became essential for surviving, inspiring creative solutions like providing chambers for quarantine or adapting spaces for different purposes. Opportunity for improvement: Hotels can create emergency protocols and strategies that allow for more adaptation and flexibility in times of crisis. In order to provide a coordinated response and access to critical resources, this entails developing partnerships with local authorities, vendors, and partners. Technology use: The pandemic sped up the use of technology in the hotel sector. Mobile check-in, digital menus, and online payment methods are just a few examples of contactless technologies that have become popular since they eliminate physical contact and lower the danger of transmission. To keep track of trends, control demand, and make wise judgments, hotels also used data analytics and forecasting technologies. The use of technology in hotels according to (Hao, Xiao and Chon, 2020) should be continued, and they should spend money on technologies that improve visitor satisfaction and operational effectiveness in emergency situations. Artificial intelligence (AI) for customer service and automated inventory management are two examples of cutting-edge technology that might enhance crisis response and recovery. Financial Resilience and Risk Management: With many hotels suffering major revenue losses and finding it difficult to continue operations, the pandemic highlighted the financial structures' vulnerabilities. It emphasized the value of having effective risk management plans, which should include varied revenue sources, emergency cash, and insurance coverage. Opportunity for improvement: Hotels can (Prayag et al., 2023) reevaluate their financial models and create plans to strengthen their resilience to upcoming crises. This can entail looking into alternative revenue streams, decreasing reliance on a single market area, and setting aside money for crisis management. 3. Adaptation Strategy and Resilience during Pandemic COVID-19: The hospitality sector has been severely impacted by COVID-19, with major drops in hotel occupancy rates, revenue, and profitability. There were significant job losses as a result of the temporary suspension or permanent closure of many hotels. Due to travel restrictions, lockdowns, and travelers' fear of getting the virus, there was a considerable decline in travel demand, which compelled hotels to reconsider their business models and marketing plans(Orîndaru et al.,2021). A. Adaptation Strategy: The pandemic requires swift and flexible adaptation measures in order for hotels to survive and mitigate the effects of the disaster. Some notable changes in hotel industry crisis management include: I.) Strengthened Health and Safety Procedures: Hotels put strict health and safety procedures in place to protect both workers and visitors. This required the implementation of social isolation strategies, an increase in hygiene standards, and the use of cutting-edge technologies like contactless payments and check-ins. II.) operating Flexibility: (Gerwe., 2021) Argues that in order to accommodate shifting visitor needs, several hotels modified their operating models.This required changing the design of the rooms to allow for remote working, providing long-term accommodations, and offering meal delivery or takeout services. III.) Revenue Stream Diversification: Due to travel limitations and declining occupancy, hotels looked for additional revenue sources. This included providing meeting spaces for remote workers, renting out rooms as offices, and looking into joint ventures with nearby companies. IV.) Digital Transformation: The epidemic hastened the hospitality sector's adoption of digital technologies. To reach and interact with guests, hotels made investments in online reservation systems, virtual communication tools, and digital marketing methods(GENÇER, K. and CEYLAN, U.) B . Resilience during Pandemic COVID-19: To overcome the difficulties caused by the pandemic, resilience became a crucial component for hotels. The following are some significant facets of resilience that the sector has shown: I) Budgeting and Cost Control: To keep their businesses afloat, hotels had to make di...
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