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Accounting, Finance, SPSS
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Motivation Theory (Essay Sample)

This paper describes the motivation for individual success in the hierarchical theory of needs. The author shares their experience and demonstrates that among all the known theories, Maslow best describes the motivation that causes the author to pursue self-actualization. Maslow's theory proposes five levels of human needs: Basic physiological requirements, safety, affiliation, esteem, and, final and fulfilling, self-actualization. As per the author, this hierarchy is thus consistent with his self-organizing aspect and self-actualization needs. Thus, the paper mainly describes variations regarding motivation from one person to another. In the author's case, motivational factors include the need for achievement, self-actualization, and recognition. As a point of illustration, the author gives an example of her previous workplace where the commission application was made. This was implemented to encourage the sales employees, and the leadership presumed that money would help ensure that they performed better. However, due to the author's dissatisfaction, the commission structure needed to be constructed to meet their motivational preferences. They came to prove that other nonfinancial motives, such as personal development and acknowledgment, mattered a lot to the author, and they needed to be better provided by the incentive system. The discrepancy between the incentive strategy at the company and the author's personal Self-AFC drive resulted in disengagement and poor performance. This scenario underscores the need to remember that people are not motivated similarly. Therefore, using what we consider suitable to apply to another person is incorrect. The author also opines that these psychological differences should be considered by organizations and provide motivational plans that will help foster the best out of human resources. In conclusion, the paper emphasizes the applicability of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. It shows that organizations should not rely on a single motivational theory since employees have vast and different psychological requirements. This approach can prove efficient in managing the working environment and obtaining success suitable for every employee due to motivation by the principles of the activity. source..
Student Name Professor Name Course Due Date Motivation Theory Motivation is the critical factor in the matter of personal behavior that makes a person successful. In my time, the theory that best explains my motivations is Maslow's hierarchy of needs, but I also confronted cases in which the used strategies failed. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a well-known theory that highlights the five basic needs of individuals: physical well-being, security, love and belonging, self-worth, and self-fulfillment. This is the theory that I agree with because it puts different levels of needs and orders of priority. I have the drive to meet my primary physiological needs, followed by self-intrinsic needs, such as self-actualization. This is in harmony with my persistence to reach out for more and to have personal development in my life. While in my previous employment, a company decided to pay us on the basis of commission in order to encourage us to reach to higher sales goals. However, this was different from the situation with me. I came to understand that money is not the main reason and that inner factors such as self-growth and recognition are the reasons that push me. The structure based on the commissions had to face the differences between individuals and their higher needs, which brought disharmony and low performance. To sum it up, Maslow's hierarchy of needs is what triggered my motivations, yet a commission-based incentive program was needed to be more suitable. The most important issue organizations should pay attention to is that every employee has their psychological peculiarities, and different people are motivated by different factors (Shikalepo 70). This insight can serve as the genesis of a much mor...
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