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Egoism and Altruism in Hunger Games and the Objectivism Theory by Ayn Rand (Essay Sample)


Altruism is considered a high principle and a moral practice that puts other people's concerns and happiness before their satisfaction. It can be described as the behavior in which others benefit at your own expense. In the hunger games film, we have various aspects of altruism that positively impact characters and others that are negative. It also lacks the element of altruism as most of the characters are egocentric.


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Egoism and Altruism in Hunger Games and Objectivism by Ayn Rand
Altruism is considered a high principle and a moral practice that puts other people's concerns and happiness before their satisfaction. It can be described as the behavior in which others benefit at your own expense. In the hunger games film, we have various aspects of altruism that positively impact characters and others that are negative. It also lacks the element of altruism as most of the characters are egocentric. Looking at the citizens of Panem, they lack concern for themselves, and in this view, they want to help other people and their community altruistically. It is the 

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