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Narcissistic CEOs Weaken Collaboration and Integrity (Essay Sample)

Upon reading the attached article, "Narcissistic CEOs Weaken Collaboration and Integrity", what would you identify the independent and dependent variables with narcissistic CEOs? Thinking about the types of research methods, please identify one out of the four techniques used to collect your data. Explain why do you think this method is effective for your hypothesis. Looking forward to participating with all. source..
Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Narcissistic CEOs The dependent variables for narcissistic CEOs are the overall outcomes of the narcissistic leadership, with most of the consequences, including collaboration and integrity. The egoistic CEOs create company cultures that encourage less cooperation to allow for autocratic leadership while also facilitating lower levels of integrity. The degree of absence of collaboration and the low standards of integrity is dependent on the presence of other innate traits that compose the self-absorbed personality. The independent variables, on the other hand, are personal traits that earmark the leaders themselves and are not dependent on any other factor. Such dependent features include extremist self-confidence, hostility when challenged, manipulative tendencies, arrogance, egoistical personalities, and absence of empathy. The dependent traits are the innate qualities that corporately make the individuals appear or assume the position of an egotistical CEO. The right research method to collect data concerning the narcissistic CEOs would be qualitative interviews incorporating both formal and informal conversations. Interviews serve as the best and most productive in qualitative research. By conducting qualitative interviews, I will be able to get the opinions of the subjects regarding the narcissistic CEOs on their traits and their implications on integrity levels and collaboration with subordinates. Since the data I seek is also more descriptive in words, feelings, and thoughts, interviews will be best in ascertaining that data. The hypothesis aims to establish the ...
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