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Business & Marketing
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The Priorities of the Next WTO Director-General (Essay Sample)


The task is about the priorities of the next world trade organisation director-general. The paper explored the issues associated with multilateral and unilateral trading regime and the current challnges in the world economy considering that the pandemic disrupted world economies. The next world Trade organisation director is expected to solve some of the challnges hence the paper highlights some of the priorities he should focus on to better world economy.


The Priorities of the Next WTO Director-General
The world trade organization plays a crucial role in determining the future of businesses and economies. The world trade organization sometimes determines the existence of trade barriers, giving companies a clearer view of the future. Enterprises always consider the decision to raise or lower trade barriers to be significant as it determines future opportunities for businesses. Predictability and stability encourage investors to invest when businesses have a clearer future vision. Consequently, businesses will create jobs, and consumers will enjoy the benefits of competition, such as lower prices and increased choices. The multilateral trading regime is crucial since governments attempt to make the business environment stable and predictable so businesses can thrive. However, the current economic situation presents challenges that range from policies to the pandemic that halted economic activities. The next WTO Director-General has a significant role in promoting fair competition to ensure that the future of the multilateral trading regime is stable.

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