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Literature & Language
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Accents and dialects. Literature & Language Essay. (Essay Sample)


Choose an excerpt from a written piece (play, poem, novel, and so forth) that highlights a specific accent. Identify the group that the writer intended to represent and their location. What measures did the writer take to represent the dialect?
In your response posts, discuss the changes that would have to be made to your classmates’ passages to reflect an English or other types of accent.
Note that you will be required to analyze the dialects used in your written or spoken pieces for the final project. You may find relevant ideas for your final project during research for your own post or while discussing this concept with your peers.


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Accents and Dialects
Literary authors use dialects and accents to give their work a more regional feel. They do this by creating special characters that speak in certain accents depending on where they are from. For example, in the book Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, the author, J.K Rowling, introduces the western country dialect through a character called Hagrid.

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