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2 pages/≈550 words
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Literature & Language
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Make sure the paper contains at least five paragraphs. If you submit a one-paragraph or two-paragraph paper, you will receive no credit for the assignment. The essay must be written in an academic voice. Avoid first-person and second-person point of view. Avoid contractions, slang, jargon or clichés Be sure to make mention in the introduction of the paper both the title(s) of the work(s) about which you are writing and the name(s) of the author(s) (even if both are mentioned in the title of your essay). Make sure the essay is double-spaced. This will allow me room to provide feedback. The following information should appear in the upper right-hand or left-hand corner of the first page of your essay: your full name, the date, the course title and number, the name of the assignment source..
Student's Name Professor's Name Course Code and Name Date Due BOTH FLAT AND ROUND CHARACTERS. The characteristics of a round figure include intricate features that fluctuate and evolve in a story. Due to the complexity of actual humans, a spherical character will seem more realistic than a flat one. ( Fleming,2018 ) Flat Character: A flat character is defined by one or two constant personality features. The flat character may have a significant or minor function. ( Fleming, ) . Round character Teenage Connie is characterized as selfish, self-absorbed, and preoccupied with her appearance. She frequently daydreams about boys and imagines herself in romantic scenarios. When confronted by the scary Arnold Friend, she reveals herself to be more nuanced than she initially seems. She is terrified but also rebellious, and although seeing that Arnold is dangerous, she tries to fight back. Evidence from the text: "Everything about her had two sides—one for wherever that was not home, and one for home...She was fifteen, and she had a nervous tendency to chuckle quickly and nervously while craning her neck to look in mirrors or inspect the faces of others.( (Frady) A well-rounded character exhibits various attributes, a complex personality, and significant development throughout the narrative. Sammy satisfies this requirement since he develops throughout the narrative and is a multifaceted character with a rich inner existence. Sammy expresses his displeasure with his routine employment at the A&P supermarket and his desire for more throughout the narrative. His admiration for the three females who enter the store wearing swimming suits demonstrates his creativity, intelligence, and sensitivity. However, he also reveals his immaturity and inexperience in his encounters with the girls. Nevertheless, it also shows how impulsive he is and how unconcerned he is about the consequences. His decision-making process was followed by introspection and self-doubt, which are visible in his actions, thoughts, and commitment to following through. Sammy's bravery is evident in his choice to resign from his work and advocate for the girls. Evidence from the text: "His eyes appeared strained, either from entering the world or being kept out of it for too long." His face was lean and pale.(Sammy) In the little village where the narrative is situated, Mr. Summers is responsible for the yearly lottery. He is described as a warm, amiable man who takes pleasure in his part in the occasion. Beyond this summary, there is little to suggest that his character has much depth or complexity. He serves as a functionary, doing little more than managing t...
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