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Comparison of ‘The Young Dancer” and “Diptych” (Essay Sample)


Choose whichever Deaf or ASL-related artwork that attracts or resonates closely with you. Compare and analyze both artwork. Explain at least five differences that you find in both artworks (you want to look for. Utilize and implement the comparison of rules of social interaction in your chosen artworks to justify your comparisons.
our comparison can include cultural differences, gender differences, religion/belief differences, language differences, and many more.
Submit a two to four-paged comparison report on both artwork with the chosen images and include your justifications.


Professor’s name:
Comparison of ‘The Young Dancer” and Diptych”
Comparison of ‘The Young Dancer” and “Diptych”
This essay compares the differences and similarities between two artworks, "The little 14-year-old dancer" and Susan Dupor's "Diptych”. The discussion on these artworks is based on the analysis, description, judgment, and interpretation of the main message, media, literal qualities, and location. It is also based on religious, cultural, and political issues that motivated the creation of these pieces of art. The analysis will take the form of comparison and contrast to identify the differences and similarities between the two art pieces.
The little fourteen-year-old dancer measures 104.5 centimeters wide (Hargrove). The Diptych is 10.5 inches long and has a height of 8.5 inches. They are both made to display feminine superiority and seek to express the inner feelings of the artists. The fourteen-year-old dancer is wearing shoes, a vest, a skirt, and a ribbon. This combination shows different surface qualities and helps to create textural contrast. On the other hand, the Diptych comprises two paintings framed together to reflect a pair of portraits. One of the paintings has the back of a naked female torso, while the second one shows the front of a naked female torso.
The diagonal lines displayed in the fourteen-year-old dancer's head, legs, and torso indicate a sense of relaxed movement (Hargrove). This is unlike the Diptych in which the portrait with the back of a naked woman's torso suggests oppression and a cry for recognition. This feeling is stressed by the words: "Hello, I am a Deaf-Mute. I am selling this Deaf-Mute Education System. Will you kindly. Pay Any Price, Thank you." The two pieces of art seem to use women to convey different messages. Whereas the fourteen-year-old dancer shows a happy and contented woman, the Diptych is not only meant to create an awareness of the deaf's ability and talent but also brings out feminine power.
Both pieces of art have organic shapes, which, unlike geometric shapes, bring a sense of dimensionality. They are both balanced and exhibit uniform symmetry. The posture of the two torsos in the Diptych and that of the fourteen-year-old dancer show a sense of balance with the bit of the dancer's head thrown backward and chest thrust outward. Both artists used space well with the words on Diptych spaced evenly to allow easier reading. Space on the young dancer has been effectively used with the sculpture balancing in the frame as though it were actual humans.
The pose of the little dancer signifies a captured moment during a performance. The bodily and facial gestures, including half-opened eyes that seem to stare into infinity and the leg positioned diagonally, suggest suspense during the dance. It shows when the young dancer had finished dancing and was taking a deep breath, relaxed with eyes half-open. A closer look reveals tightly closed lips and flat nostrils, indicating breathing in position. The combination of the clothes on the young girl shows she is a professional dancer. The young girl's description shows the young dancer ready for a performance (Hargrove). It shows how young ones participate in active lifetime activities in life. The colors in this art signify the mood of happiness and victory. They bring out the actual features of the young girl and her interaction with the environment.
The Diptych has two female torsos with figures of hands spelling out the alphabetical letters similar to those seen on ABC cards. The two pictures have rail tracks above and behind the figures. These train tracks represent intensive traveling when peddling the deaf community for prostitution ( Movement from one place to another deprives the deaf of the peace they need and makes them feel worthless and vulnerable. The alphabets represent enlightenment that has enabled the deaf community to express themselves through works of art. Unlike the sculpture of the young dancer, the Diptych celebrates the milestones covered by the deaf in their quest to be heard. It is a sad story that shows victory at last. It represents the current reality that the deaf community still goes through daily.
The sad image of peddling Deaf people affirms the pathetic images that people with hearing capabilities have of deaf people. It creates a sad reality that people discriminate against the deaf community or imagine they cannot do anything, least of all draw and paint. It displayed the belief that the deaf community lacks artistic talents and depends on those deemed to be normal for survival through the torso ( The torsos signify that despite the world's thinking that the existence of the deaf is passive, they can still communicate and express themselves. Their art is also of high quality, and instead of the peddlers selling to the deaf community, they should instead market or sell the pieces of art made by the deaf.
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