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education (Essay Sample)

More and more often, education takes place outside the classroom space, or alternatively the classroom space is being redefined. How has technology changed and in turn changed learning? Is technology making education easier? Is technology making learning more difficult? What skills do learners need today that they did not have to possess previously? source..
Mercy Mwikali Ezekiel Makhoha Education 101 25 April 2023 Title: How Technology Has Changed Learning With technological advancement, the ways of learning have been completely changed in the past years. Previously, the students had to study with the help of books, notes, and a teacher in front. Now, with the huge number of technological developments, things have become quite easy, accessible, interactive, and user-friendly to learn. One way technology has greatly facilitated learning and teaching is the provision of access to digital resources such as e-books, online courses, and virtual classrooms. Students can also access knowledge from any place and at any given time. Furthermore, it is more interesting and fun as video and audio interactive media enhance the experience. Moreover, the use of technology in the classroom has enriched the learning process as students are able to make use of tools like tablets, interactive whiteboards, and educational games to make learning more fun and interactive. Technology has also opened up learning avenues that can be personalized, maximizing the individual's learning experience. Online courses and algorithms have the capabilities to track and set a student's level and process in a more overall individualized manner. Teachers can also monitor their students' progress much easier with online platforms that let them view what their students are learning and areas in which they need more help. Undoubtedly, technology has revolutionized the very dimension of education by adding novel and innovative ways of teaching and learning in the classroom. However, there would be some arguments that many people have put across about technology making learning a harder process. One of the most annoying issues is that technology is painfully being used as a source of distraction. Students face constant notifications from social media, email, and messaging apps, all jostling for their attention and making focused study impossible. It can reduce their ability to concentrate and retain information, what with all the constant stimulation. Another argument against technology in the classroom is the fact that it has resulted in a decrease in critical thinking skills. As students increasingly look to technology for that information, they are less likely to think critically and critically analyze what they discover. However, despite these inhibitions, the technology can also provide a treasure trove of benefits to the students. Educational apps and online resources can lend a helping hand in enhancing learning to be more engaging and interactive, and self-customized. In addition to that changing aspect of learning, technology has changed the curriculum in a big way. This is because technology has meant the opening up of new subjects wh...
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