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Literature Question (Essay Sample)

Learning Goal: I'm working on a literature test / quiz prep and need support to help me learn. Purpose of this assignment to examine the novel and it's film/TV adaptation to determine if the adaptation is effective. How you define that effectiveness is determined by your understanding of adaptation and of the critical contexts (and elements of fiction) of the novel. Follow the instructions below in the screenshot MLA Citations No plagiarism Thesis statement must include “I’ll present the interpretation between Dracula by Bram Stoker and Dracula 2020 on Netflix, the novel and the film.” Sources ; Dracula 2020 on Netflix Dracula by Bram Stoker A Wolf's Eye View of London: Dracula, Penny Dreadful, and the Logic of Repetition. And 3 other sources source..
Student’s name Institution affiliations Course code Date Effectiveness Determination Between A Dracula Novel and Its Film Around the world, many books have been adapted into various forms, but the most common transformation is from book to film. They have been displayed on numerous websites, including YouTube and Netflix, but not only those two. Netflix has a new adaptation of Bram Stoker's Dracula, the most well-known vampire story ever (Stoker, 2020). The episode most faithful to Bram Stoker's novel is the first, which depicts Jonathan Harker's excursions in late-19th-century Transylvania. Even though the scene where he first enters the castle is taken directly from the book, viewers will immediately recognize that they are viewing an entirely different story with an entirely different message. According to the proverb, the devil is in the minutiae. For this assignment, I will compare Bram Stoker's original Dracula to Netflix's futuristic Dracula 2020. This data shows how well this book has been adapted into a film. Character Changes In the new television series, several essential characters from Stoker's novel have had considerable changes made to them. These characters include Jonathan Harker, Mina Murray, and Abraham Van Helsing (Manea, 2016). When Dracula finishes his objective, he locks the young attorney, Jonathan Harker, up in the castle and abandons him there. Harker comes dangerously close to being killed. After narrowly avoiding capture and being forced to swim to safety after jumping into a river, he weds Mina and settles down in a monastery once their child is born. The count is tracked down and killed in London as a direct result of the letters he wrote to Mina regarding his time spent at Dracula's castle and how they did business. Throughout the series, the outcome of Jonathan Harker's story has already been revealed to us. He has the appearance of a dead body, cannot feel anything, and cannot even remember his fiancée (Manea, 2016). After almost killing Mina as a vampire, he gives in to Dracula's demand that he "allow him in" to the convent where he is hiding so that he can die. Dracula demands that he "let him in" so that he can die. The personality of Mina Murray, played by Morfydd Clark, underwent a significant shift while adapting the book into the television series. Stoker describes Mina as a compelling and forward-thinking figure of her period. She possessed intelligence, power, responsibility, courage, and kindness. Mina, the main character of this series, exemplifies the archetype of a weak and helpless woman. Even Dracula did not care about the book in any way. Dracula Sherlock Creators Explain Their Reinvention of Bram Stoker's Classic At the end of the book, when Harker appears at their door, Sister Agatha is one of the nuns who assisted him. She was also one of the characters in the book (Liu et al., 2022). Nonetheless, because she is the only character in the series who appears to know Dracula's nature and limitations fully, she becomes his most formidable adversary. She gives off the impression of being weak, but her fast brain and cleverness more than make up for it. Sister Agatha is a gender-flipped version of Abraham Van Helsing, the vampire slayer, which explains why she possesses these attributes. Even though she is a nun who battles with her faith, she is revealed to be a version of Abraham Van Helsing. A departure from the usual format of the show's narrative is much appreciated. In contrast to the novel, the television series portrays the story from Dracula's point of view (Moulton & Erica, 2022). The series features the three main characters penning letters, diaries, and other papers describing their time spent with the vampire. Dracula’s Minions Harker discovered that the dedicated Gypsies who served Dracula "coughs" fine meals resided in the isolated castle that belonged to the count. The spectral chauffeur who drops off Harker in the courtyard is the only figure in the episode with characteristics similar to a servant's (Moulton & Erica, 2022). It is unclear who supplies Dracula with food, coffins, and other supplies before Harker arrives at the castle because this causes a minor plot hole in the story. In addition, the citadel's residents can be broken down into various categories. Harker comes across a room with crates containing the remains of Dracula's previous victims and experiments (Infante-del-Rosal & Fernando, 2022). They are starving and yearning for their independence. In the novel, Harker does not encounter zombies or ghouls; however, he notices people stuffing the earth into boxes anticipating Dracula's arrival in England. Dracula’s Brides As Harker explores the castle, he discovers a room where three attractive women attempt to obtain his blood. Dracula physically separates the three brides to prevent them from draining the impoverished man's vitality (Infante-del-Rosal & Fernando, 2022). Then he offers the women a bag that rattles like a baby's crib. The only time Harker meets a vampire's wife, she comes to him from a box and begs him not to tell the court that she has discovered a way to escape whenever she wants. She assaults Dracula after claiming she is always thirsty, even though he does "small, tiny things," such as placing a baby in a bag. Harker awakens to discover that Dracula has pierced the bride's heart with a stake and has lost most of his hair (Liu et al., 2022). Whether speaking of a male or a woman, the count informs him that he always has three wives. Now that he is free, he intends to make Harker his fourth bride. The Baby Regarding the baby's fate, the book and the television adaptation differed vastly (Stoker, 2020). After being entrusted to the vampire bride, the infant only cries internally. In the program, the infant transforms into a tiny vampire. According to Dracula, this is the first time a child has been resurrected from the grave. Dracula's Weakness: Sunlight and Crucifixes In Stoker's novel, Dracula can carry out his daily duties, although his capabilities are significantly curtailed (Manea, 2016). In the first episode, Dracula can walk and speak before daylight but stays in the shadows because he fears catching fire if exposed to the sun. After undergoing the metamorphosis, Harker is unaffected by the sun's rays. The crucifix is something that Dracula despises, yet his wife has a soft spot for it. Dracula's Power Knowledge Acquisition, Rejuvenation, and Shape-shifting People claim that Dracula has a sharp intellect and can rapidly acquire new skills, such as languages, through study. In the Netflix adaptation, Dracula learns English quickly because he consumes the blood of individuals with the knowledge he needs to "download” (Moulton & Erica, 2022). The last time he ate, he also affected his appearance. Harker describes the first time he sees Dracula as resembling Riff Raff's mummy from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. However, after receiving numerous blood transfusions from Johnny, he quickly regains his youthful appearance and demeanor. The movie also incorporated the book's description of Dracula's ability to alter his appearance. In the book, he can transform into mist, bats, or wolves (Moulton & Erica, 2022). It appears from the show that...
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