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Physical and psychological trauma (Essay Sample)

Physical and Psychological Trauma Individuals suffer life-altering traumatic events during and after wars in the physical and psychological sense. There is a dominant theme in the texts: the aftermath of war (post-war trauma) and its redundancy in the human experienceLove and loss are common themes in war narratives. Arguably, there are artistically used to paint imagery of non-physical or psychological pain, more so in the loved ones of the soldiers. source..
Name Professor Course Date Physical and Psychological Trauma Individuals suffer life-altering traumatic events during and after wars in the physical and psychological sense. There is a dominant theme in the texts: the aftermath of war (post-war trauma) and its redundancy in the human experience. The two poems, "I sing of Olaf glad and big" and "My Sweet Old Etcetera," express Cummings' experience in World War 1. “I sing of Olaf glad and big” embodies irony in its recount of the death and torture of Olaf, a barrack soldier in the war. Olaf had shown open disapproval and distaste for war. Although physically abused and tortured to death, he refuses to forego his critical sentiments on war- "I will not kiss your flag" (Cummings, lines 18-19). Morality can be a substitute choice for war. The poet describes Olaf as a “conscientious objector” whose "heart recoiled at war" (Cummings, line 2-3). The brutal, cruel, and violent nature of war is openly expressed in Olaf’s cruel death. This horrific element of war is also shown in Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms, another recount of war based on a lieutenant's experience in an Italian army. The lead character, Henry, is resentful of the destructive aftermath of war. Through the narrative, he is seen to distance himself from the war: "It meant no difference whether I was there to look after things or not…" (Hemingway p.3-87). Most of the characters in Hemingway show disapproval of the war, and the small number that support it are tainted as characterless, egoist, and naïve. The cholera epidemic that claimed seven thousand lives also gives the readers a hint about the dreadful life of war. “The whole thing seemed to run better while I was away” (Hemingway, p.60-87) shows his forbearance and tells of a longing to escape the experience. Love and loss are common themes in war narratives. Arguably, there are artistically used to paint imagery of non-physical or psychological pain, more so in the loved ones of the soldiers. Catherine mourns her dearly beloved fiancé whom she lost in war ((Hemingway, p.5-80). She recalls that she has never loved anyone like him before. Death and loss are used to show the cruelty of war and its breach of humanity. Similarly, in Cummings’ love-war poem, "My Sweet Old Etcetera," the persona of the poem admits to only thinking of his lover and her sensuality during the war. The soldier shows reverence to his family members for preparing him for the war. In his mind, however, he longs for his lover: "…dreaming etcetera of your smile eyes knees and of your Etcetera" (Cummings, li...
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