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Prospectus for Children's Literature Class Research (Essay Sample)
This paper is going to highlight different forms of presenting the art of literature in class.
Learning children’s literature encompasses questioning on the representations and fantasy of childhood about a particular audience and cultural contexts. Therefore, my research will mainly focus on getting information pertaining the impact of literature on children’s life (Bedford, April, and Lettie 123-161). As many authors have done several works aiming to educate children on various aspects of culture and social life, my study will evaluate the relevance, and the importance of the works in shaping positive life for young people. Thus, the research will review works from the 18th Century to date.
Usually, many disciplines do not address students demands regarding knowledge of religious beliefs, philosophy, pedagogy, culture, history and socio-economic as Literature does. In addition to these, language and literature help to create awareness of critical issues such as Marxism, Feminism, Psychoanalysis, and structuralism for children to develop wider knowledge on how to respond to particular texts (Kiefer, Barbara, Susan, Janet and Charlotte 82-130). Therefore, this calls for the need to set context regarding questions about authors, publishers, librarian, teacher and parent role before the work reached kids who the product targets.
The organization of the research will e as follows:
Aims: The aim of the study is to introduce ideas and themes in selected literature from the past to present day and some of the famous authors (Barone 15-60).
Objectives: The purpose of the study is successful demonstrate knowledge and understanding of children with literature. Also, to bring out theories relevant to various genres and different techniques and forms of writing.
Barone, Diane. Children's Literature in the Classroom: Engaging Lifelong Readers. New York: Guilford Publications, 2011. Print.
The book is all about good understanding of children literature in classroom as well as engaging them in a long-term reading. It gives insight on the importance of literature reading, responses, and independency of children in classroom. Apart from obtaining information on how to respond to literature research, the main theme of the source is to explore narrative genres for the young children. In additional, it explore informational genres, nonfictions, and quality text and children views of children literature. The source will build my creativity and deepen my familiarity with various range and diversity of children genres and the classical works. It is obvious that through borrowing ideas from wide range of sources, one is able to gain critical understanding of issues to children’s contemporary texts in the development of their knowledge.
Kiefer, Barbara Z, Susan I. Hepler, Janet Hickman, and Charlotte S. Huck. Charlotte Huck's Children's Literature. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2007. Print
The source is a book containing large quantity of children’s museum work. It has a good and broad collection of oral English learning ideas for children’s literature class. It also have work conversation that include forms, substance, and recitation from reading, impersonation, dramatic analysis, and literary debates. Furthermore, it provides proper guidelines to children instructors whom have studied art of oral and social expression. These work cited will provide broad introduction and impact good knowledge to the vibrant and growing field of children’s literature studies. Through this research sources, I will be able to study children’s literature beginning from the oldest to the current forms of impact knowledge to the pupils. I will get to understand various fairy tales, chapbooks, and history by borrowing it from the seminal nineteenth century novels with the help of the sources.
Bedford, April, and Lettie K. Albright. A Master Class in Ch...
Learning children’s literature encompasses questioning on the representations and fantasy of childhood about a particular audience and cultural contexts. Therefore, my research will mainly focus on getting information pertaining the impact of literature on children’s life (Bedford, April, and Lettie 123-161). As many authors have done several works aiming to educate children on various aspects of culture and social life, my study will evaluate the relevance, and the importance of the works in shaping positive life for young people. Thus, the research will review works from the 18th Century to date.
Usually, many disciplines do not address students demands regarding knowledge of religious beliefs, philosophy, pedagogy, culture, history and socio-economic as Literature does. In addition to these, language and literature help to create awareness of critical issues such as Marxism, Feminism, Psychoanalysis, and structuralism for children to develop wider knowledge on how to respond to particular texts (Kiefer, Barbara, Susan, Janet and Charlotte 82-130). Therefore, this calls for the need to set context regarding questions about authors, publishers, librarian, teacher and parent role before the work reached kids who the product targets.
The organization of the research will e as follows:
Aims: The aim of the study is to introduce ideas and themes in selected literature from the past to present day and some of the famous authors (Barone 15-60).
Objectives: The purpose of the study is successful demonstrate knowledge and understanding of children with literature. Also, to bring out theories relevant to various genres and different techniques and forms of writing.
Barone, Diane. Children's Literature in the Classroom: Engaging Lifelong Readers. New York: Guilford Publications, 2011. Print.
The book is all about good understanding of children literature in classroom as well as engaging them in a long-term reading. It gives insight on the importance of literature reading, responses, and independency of children in classroom. Apart from obtaining information on how to respond to literature research, the main theme of the source is to explore narrative genres for the young children. In additional, it explore informational genres, nonfictions, and quality text and children views of children literature. The source will build my creativity and deepen my familiarity with various range and diversity of children genres and the classical works. It is obvious that through borrowing ideas from wide range of sources, one is able to gain critical understanding of issues to children’s contemporary texts in the development of their knowledge.
Kiefer, Barbara Z, Susan I. Hepler, Janet Hickman, and Charlotte S. Huck. Charlotte Huck's Children's Literature. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2007. Print
The source is a book containing large quantity of children’s museum work. It has a good and broad collection of oral English learning ideas for children’s literature class. It also have work conversation that include forms, substance, and recitation from reading, impersonation, dramatic analysis, and literary debates. Furthermore, it provides proper guidelines to children instructors whom have studied art of oral and social expression. These work cited will provide broad introduction and impact good knowledge to the vibrant and growing field of children’s literature studies. Through this research sources, I will be able to study children’s literature beginning from the oldest to the current forms of impact knowledge to the pupils. I will get to understand various fairy tales, chapbooks, and history by borrowing it from the seminal nineteenth century novels with the help of the sources.
Bedford, April, and Lettie K. Albright. A Master Class in Ch...
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