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Research and Describe Symbolism in Song of Solomon (Essay Sample)


Discuss the symbols used by toni morrison in song of solomon by which she shows how milkman takes flight and learns truly to live.

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Symbolism in Song of Solomon
Symbolism in a piece of literature is aimed to highlight some main ideas and concepts. The symbols may be in form of objects, colors or characters. In the Song of Solomon, Toni Morrison successfully manages to incorporate the style of symbolism in his narration to highlight the plight of the protagonist Milkman who she shows as a confused individual seeking his identity and that of his family. Morrison’s usage of symbolism is fairly evident from the beginning of her novel and she makes regular connections which exemplify her ideas.
Firstly, Morrison use of character names that provide a biblical reference is symbolic. In the novel, she used names such as Pilate, Solomon and Hagar. For instance Hagar as is in the bible holds the same direct explanation as witnessed in the novel. Hagar is shown in the novel as an individual desperately in need of affection from Milkman and eventually commits suicide after the strained relationship that left her heart broken. Solomon who in the novel is nicknamed as the “Flying African” is held in such regard as the one in the Bible who was the King of Israel and full of wisdom. Milkman’s surname “Dead” is also not any ordinary name and symbolizes the oppression that his family was subjected to by the white oppressors. It is also symbolic in that it meant that under the oppression the family lost its original name and its history and which Milkman tries so hard to trace. Also, the title of the novel is symbolic in that it shows the journey of Milkman’s grandfather back to Africa in escape of the oppression and slavery.
Secondly, the author applies simple objects to highlight inner meanings in the themes of the novel. She represents most of the characters in the novel as people of African American descent who were being mistreated because of their black race. The white characters in the novel despite their few numbers represent the violence and oppression in that society. From the murderous white employers where Circe worked to the mills white foreman where Guitar’s family lived and his father worked before his demise are all shown to be very cruel individuals. The sight of the white bull caused Freddie’s mother to die during labor in what can be understood as being a terrifying sight. Also, it’s the sight of the white peacock that made Guitar and Milkman to be infatuated with the desire to acquire wealth through whatever means symbolizing its corrupting nature.
The other objects that the author uses as symbols include the artificial roses and gold. The artificial roses are a representation of death and boredom and are in contrast...
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