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The Great Gatsby - The American Dream (Essay Sample)

The essay was about American Dream analyzing the writing from the novel ‘The Great Gatsby’ by Scott Fitzgerald which is understood as a pessimistic critique of the American dream. The literature by Fitzgerald shows the indictment of the American dream through Gatsby’s romantic aspiration and self-made nature. In the essay, the novel is considered an indictment of the American dream. The idea of the American dream in the 1920s is shown by Fitzgerald through the contrasting social class, wealth, and realities of the novel characters. The paper explains the concept of the American dream through the literary work of Francis Scott Fitzgerald’s novel ‘The Great Gatsby’ (1925). source..
Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date The Great Gatsby American Dream The phrase "American Dream" has been a facet of the American identity with a belief that through hard work any person regardless of class, race, gender, or nationality can be successful. Society respects individuals because of their accomplishments and individuality. The life of happiness was the original approach to living the American dream but this philosophy was prevented into the desire for wealth. Each person regardless of their social background is provided the opportunity to attain their American dream through hard work, aspiration, and perseverance. ‘The Great Gatsby’ by Scott Fitzgerald is understood as a pessimistic critique of the American dream. Gatsby symbolizes the corrupted and uncorrupted dream where he sees wealth as the solution to his problem. This is a corrupt dream of wealth whereby Gatsby is motivated by an incorruptible love for Daisy Buchanan. Fitzgerald conveys the American dream through Gatsby who was striving for something better than himself something that would eventually destroy his dream. The idea of the American dream in the 1920s is shown by Fitzgerald through the contrasting social class, wealth, and realities of the novel characters. The paper explains the concept of the American dream through the literary work of Francis Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby (1925). Gatsby is a representation of the American dream having been born poor and going further to achieve higher social status and wealth. Gatsby meets millionaire Dan Cody and works for him learning everything about aristocratic gentleman behavior. After the death of Cody, Gatsby goes to war because he is not able to receive the money he had anticipated. Gatsby meets Daisy but Daisy chooses to get married to an aristocrat Tom Buchanan who gives her money that Gatsby would not provide. This is the situation that inspired him to work hard and earn more money to win Daisy back. Gatsby has a strong ambition and works ethic to have Daisy back in his life something that banishes his poverty-stricken past. The American dream is that determination Gatsby has that anyone can earn success through hard work. The love Gatsby has for Daisy became the motivational force and inspiration to achieve extravagant wealth. When he moves into Daisy's neighborhood he is addressed as an "elegant young roughneck, a year or two over thirty" (Fitzgerald 48). Gatsby is a mystery for many because they do not understand where he got his fortune or money from. : "Well, they say he’s a nephew or a cousin of Kaiser Wilhelm’s. That’s where all his money comes from" (Fitzgerald 22). Form the statement, it is an indication he was also a mystery for the author. Gatsby on the other hand ensures that nobody suspects his dealings by applying the knowledge of acting like an old aristocrat something he learned from Dan Cody. Gatsby is obsessed with the past and he thinks that what he had with Daisy will repeat itself something that cost him his life. Fitzgerald advises Gatsby indicating "You can’t repeat the past. Can’t repeat the past?' he cried incredulously” (70). After attaining affluence and wealth, Gatsby spends most of his time showing off his mansion and flashy parties in an attempt to win and capture Daisy's attention. Fitzgerald states “What thoroughness! What realism! Knew when to stop, too-didn't cut the pages" (46). This quote explains how the library of books set by Gatsby was not for reading or studying but rather just showing off his wealth. The dream is to be seen and judged by people as a wealthy person and primarily for Daisy to notice his success. Daisy was desirable to Gatsby just like the American Dream people have to make him dedicate his entire life to her. "The officer looked at Daisy while she was speaking, in a way that every young girl wants to be looked at some time, and because it seemed romantic to me I have remembered the incident ever since" (Fitzgerald 48). Being married to another man haunts Gats...
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