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Unemployment and the Future of Work (Essay Sample)

Discussion 4: Unemployment and the Future of Work Questions This discussion has two parts and is worth 30 points. Be sure to review the discussion questions guidelines in the online classroom. Review the resources applicable to the selected question set in Part I before starting Discussion 4. You will want the resources available to complete your discussion post. Parts I and II • Part I— Answer one of the three sets of questions. (10 points) • Part II— Answer all four questions in Part II. (13 points) Respond to the following: Part I You have a choice here: Answer only one of the three available question sets. You need not respond to other students, but you are welcome to do so. Question Set 1 1.1 What is frictional unemployment? 1.2 Provide examples of people who are experiencing or have experienced this kind of unemployment. 1.3 What causes it to increase? 1.4 How did COVID-19 affect frictional unemployment in the U.S.? In addition to sources that you need to find, use, and cite for this question set, you are encouraged to make references to the following video: Frictional Unemployment Question Set 2 2.1 What is structural unemployment? 2.2 Provide examples of people who are experiencing or have experienced this kind of unemployment. 2.3 What causes it to increase? 2.4 How has COVID-19 affected structural unemployment in the U.S.? Can these effects be long-lasting? In addition to the sources that you need to find, use, and cite for this question set, you are encouraged to make references to the following videos: • Structural Unemployment • Econ Duel: Will Machines Take Our Jobs • The Future of Work Question Set 3 3.1 What is “natural” unemployment? 3.2 Should we expect a healthy economy to experience a zero unemployment rate? 3.3 Provide at least two arguments in support of why unemployment insurance benefits should be provided. 3.4 Provide at least two arguments in support of either an alternative view or the view that unemployment insurance benefits produce negative economic incentives and/or consequences. Part II Answer all four questions below (13 points). Respond to at least two other students (7 points total). Economists, scientists, and policymakers were interviewed in this documentary, The Future of Work, to talk about the paradigm shift we are experiencing in the job market while we embark on the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Based primarily on the information from this movie, answer the following questions: 1. Explain how radical developments in automation and artificial intelligence are changing the future of work. Be specific and elaborate as much as you can. Write at least two paragraphs with four to six sentences in each. 2. From watching the documentary, what is your understanding of how humans can collaborate with robots and automated processes, in general, to create a better and more equitable job market in the future, a market in which income inequalities are reduced? 3. What reactions did you have while watching this documentary regarding the re-training of the labor force in general and the automobile industry, addressed during the last part of the film? 4. What were some of the most impressive takeaways for you? Could they affect your future in the labor market? List at least three and explain using at least two to three sentences for each point. source..
Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Discussion 4: Unemployment and the Future of Work Part I Question Set 3 3.1 Natural unemployment refers to the rate of unemployment which exists in a country when the economy produces full employment output. When economies are in a period of recession current rate of unemployment is largely higher as compared with natural rate. Nature unemployment is a mix of structural and frictional unemployment. Natural unemployment is depicted by jobless status when people keep coming and going looking for greener pastures up to when they are able to find a new job. 3.2 No, we cannot expect a healthy economy to a large extent to experience zero rate of unemployment. The only way economies can experience zero unemployment rate is only if the economy is overheated severely. Notably, even in this circumstances wages may rise before the rate of unemployment falls to absolute zero. It is worth noting that the United States of America has never experienced this situation where unemployment is zero. The only time when the unemployment rate dropped to 2.5% is during the Korean war when the economy was overheated in 1953. In equal measure, economies can experience negative unemployment rates more especially for the case of cyclical unemployment which may come as a result of the economy exceeding the levels of full employment but it is so rare. 3.3 Unemployment insurance benefits ought to be provided in an economy on the basis of two major arguments. First, the individual who loses his/her job will be able to have some money that he/she can make use in meeting the basic needs (Schmieder et al. 549). This will enable them not to experience poverty at times when they do not have regular income. The benefits that they obtain from this insurance scheme will enable them to keep going while they look for new jobs. Secondly, unemployment insurance benefits will provide much needed support to employees during the period of recession or economic downturn. This will help in reducing the negative impact of recession on the workers who can not find meaning work during the period. 3.4 In the circumstances where the unemployment insurance benefits exceed the incentive of work, the workers who are unemployed or those who have lost their jobs will find no incentive of looking for new job opportunities. This will largely affect the employees who earn low wages and salaries in the labor market. Secondly, if there are many people who are drawing the unemployment insurance benefits, the reserves put aside will drain. It is worth noting that the scheme is funded by individuals who are employed and who are paying state and federal taxes. Part II 1 Radical developments in the field of artificial intelligence and automation are largely transforming future work (Dwivedi et al. 4). These developments have sweeping implications in many economies globally. Automation to a large extent is improving productivity and efficiency in places of work while reducing human error as well as physical labor. Many organizations are embracing the use of artificial intelligence in automating mundane tasks, optimizing labor force mechanisms and processes and more importantly improving the process of making decisions. The current technology has made it possible for the use of data analytics and cloud computing which helps in the processing of data. Therefore, these radical improvements have largely improving efficiency and accuracy in the process of production. Moreover, many jobs in many economies globally are being outsourced and automated. Many large and even multinational companies rely largely on automation so as to reduce the amount of money they use in employing people to offer physical labor. This has led to increased unemployment and income inequalities. Need arises now of retraining employees and redeploying them to different tasks where artificial intelligence can not be employed. 2 From this movie, it is crystal clear that people and robots in the current environment can collaborate in creating equitable job markets in near future. Automated processes and robots can ably be used in automating mundane tasks as well as tasks which need low skills. This will allow employees to put more focus and emphasis on higher skilled tasks which are meaningful. The shift in the job market makes it imperative for organizations to embrace efficient methods in production which are cost effective. The shift will equally reduce income inequalities in the job market by availing jobs which need more skills and which pay higher wages and salaries. Moreover, embracing artificial intelligence and the use of robots will make it possible for organizations to integrate diverse and flexible business models which largely reduce income inequalities in the job market. 3 While watching the movie, a number of ideas came to my mind as it regards re-training of employees and automatio...
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