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Carlifornia Government and Polititcs (Essay Sample)
The essay paper is about the carlifornia government and the politics. it discusses the form of leadership experienced by the citizens in carlifonia and the possible remedies taken to control how the leaders enact laws within the state.
The realization that the legislature was habitually misrepresentative and that the existing public servants election based on private interest inspired the people of California to develop new hopes. The hopes aroused them to greater ideals and brought to them the new birth of freedom to enable them fight for direct democracy (Barnett & James, pg 58). Direct democracy provides voters in most parts of California with the power of writing new laws, repealing old laws and throwing out the existing public officials. This type of democracy encompasses the referendum, recall, and initiative.
These delegations have a common thread due to their delegations of political decisions to the ordinary voter. The devices are used both in the national government and local government but majorly at the local government (Barnett & James, pg 58). The three powers also enable the citizens to propose and repeal legislations or remove elected officials. The initiative is a method where voters have the rights to initiate or propose state laws. However, referendum refers to the process by which the legislative body proposes a state law that is voted directly by the people. Moreover, recall refers to the process where citizens have the rights to remove the elected officials from office with a recall vote. Political machines were known to control the states Cronin & Thomas, pg 25). These were organizations that controlled most activities of the existing political parties by corrupting the governments to their benefits. However, progressives sought a different idea of reforming the state government by reducing the powers of the political machines. They advocated the elimination of graft and corruption of the state officials Cronin & Thomas, pg 25).
Also, they supported the state elections, professional city administration, and no partnerships. Most of the state citizens believed that the state government should be operated about businesses to eliminate inefficiency and waste in the state government. With this concern, the people were involved to participate in the state government. They had rights to initiate state laws. Moreover, if enough people signed a petition concerning a proposed law, the laws can be voted on by the state legislatures or directly by the state people via a popular vote. The California state citizens also participate in referendums where they can directly vote in or out a proposed bill or law. It depends on the beliefs a person has on the existing law.
If the law is considered bad, they use the referendum process to circulate a petition requesting that the current law submitted to a popular vote. The state citizens also have the right to remove an elected official from office by votes. This process requires voters to vote again on a candidate’s position when they doubt his/her ability to occupy the office. However, when the incumbent wins the recall election, he or she stayed in office but removed or recalled from office when they loss. All the propo...
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