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How the Soviet Union Managed to Govern Such an Expansive Territory (Essay Sample)
Write a 1-page essay in which you will analyze how the Soviet Union managed to govern such an expansive territory. What were some of the social, economic, and political challenges associated with such a system? How has governance evolved in the post-Soviet era? Paper format – MLA, number of references – 3
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Analyze how the Soviet Union managed to govern such an expansive territory. What were some of the social, economic, and political challenges associated with such a system? How has governance evolved in the post-Soviet era?
From the 11th century, the majority of Russians were held captive by oppressive regimes (Phillips 16). The Russian people thrived under difficult working conditions, and were not allowed to own anything on their own. Indeed, they could be considered slaves in their own country (Phillips 14). In order to keep the expansive territory together, leaders during the Soviet era used a single party approach as well as the socialist ideals, both which helped suppress the citizens and political dissent. However, many people were dissatisfied with the autocratic leadership (Phillips 16). For example, Nicholas II was a notable dictator, with conservative roots that spanned many decades (Phillips 3). In socialist Russia, leaders considered themselves as saintly and infallible (Phillips 145), and could not be questioned.
On the contrary, the Post-Soviet era has shown a significant shift in its approach to world issues and globalization by embracing democratic ideals as well as market reforms (Martinez-Vazquez and Boex 71). Modern Russia has embraced market reforms, liberalization, as well as being a key player in globalization. Such approaches are akin to the neoliberal approaches of most Western powers including the US. Despite the market reforms, the Russian model of globalization is still not clear (Martinez-Vazquez and Boex 156). For instance, Russia has annexed Crimea, a factor that has attracted a lot of fury from the European powers and the international community. With sanctions looming, Russia might find itself confined into a dark corner, which might affect reforms and economic growth in the country (Nemets 22).
In conclusion, the Soviet era was a difficult moment for the Russian people. The leaders used oppression of its people, as well as crashing dissent through the one-party political approach. However, after the Soviet era, muc...
Name of the Tutor
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Analyze how the Soviet Union managed to govern such an expansive territory. What were some of the social, economic, and political challenges associated with such a system? How has governance evolved in the post-Soviet era?
From the 11th century, the majority of Russians were held captive by oppressive regimes (Phillips 16). The Russian people thrived under difficult working conditions, and were not allowed to own anything on their own. Indeed, they could be considered slaves in their own country (Phillips 14). In order to keep the expansive territory together, leaders during the Soviet era used a single party approach as well as the socialist ideals, both which helped suppress the citizens and political dissent. However, many people were dissatisfied with the autocratic leadership (Phillips 16). For example, Nicholas II was a notable dictator, with conservative roots that spanned many decades (Phillips 3). In socialist Russia, leaders considered themselves as saintly and infallible (Phillips 145), and could not be questioned.
On the contrary, the Post-Soviet era has shown a significant shift in its approach to world issues and globalization by embracing democratic ideals as well as market reforms (Martinez-Vazquez and Boex 71). Modern Russia has embraced market reforms, liberalization, as well as being a key player in globalization. Such approaches are akin to the neoliberal approaches of most Western powers including the US. Despite the market reforms, the Russian model of globalization is still not clear (Martinez-Vazquez and Boex 156). For instance, Russia has annexed Crimea, a factor that has attracted a lot of fury from the European powers and the international community. With sanctions looming, Russia might find itself confined into a dark corner, which might affect reforms and economic growth in the country (Nemets 22).
In conclusion, the Soviet era was a difficult moment for the Russian people. The leaders used oppression of its people, as well as crashing dissent through the one-party political approach. However, after the Soviet era, muc...
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