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Migration Essay (Essay Sample)


The task required one to explain the migration pattern history of their family. The sample explains the migration pattern history.

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My family Migration History
Everyone would wish to live a life that is free and happy in a country that provides equal opportunities with the possibility of having a better future for the whole family. However, not many countries guarantee such a life to its citizens making migration to be a common option to many families (Adler and Uwe, 29). My family has not been exceptional as we have had to migrate to different countries in search of a better life. We have moved from Mexico, United States and Europe.
My family was forced to move from Mexico to the United States due political instability in Mexico. Domosh and Terry suggest that political instability caused by the war in countries like Mexico cause the economic level of the country to be poor (91). Hence, there were no jobs opportunities and my father who was a casual worker did not earn enough to sustain the family.
Hence, my parents had to migrate to the United States in search of better job opportunities. The United States had better job opportunities as my father got the opportunity to work in the military. My mother a registered nurse got a permanent job with better pay than in Mexico. My grandparents, who first moved to United States were employed as casual workers but would later move back to Mexico due to the strict immigration policies which made them fear deportation. However, migration made me changes schools which made it a little hard to adjust to the different environment and education policies.
Migration Patterns for my Family
According to Domosh and Terry migration patterns always reflect the economic trends of the world (50). My family migrated to different destinations due to the status of the economy in their country at those times. My paternal grandparents were born in the rural areas of Mexico. In search of job opportunities to better their lives, they migrated from the rural area to urban area of Mexico. This is known as rural urban migration. Mexican civil war however made them to immigrate to the United States where things seemed better.
My grandparents had not come to stay in United States forever. Migration had made my extended family to split apart and hence they needed to go back to Mexico. Adler and Uwe describes this as return migration (22). The fear of deportation due to harsh polices of migration also made them to go back. They moved to Mexican State of Jalisco where they currently reside.
My parents were born in the urban area of Mexican where my grandparents were working. My father was working was a casual worker with low wages to sustain his family. Fortunately, the United States came recruiting directly in Mexico and my father got the chance to join the military. Hence, he immigrated immediately to the United States. Through the help of my father helped my mother secured a better job in the United States and migrated from Europe to United States where they currently reside.
I was also born in Mexico before my parents migrated to other countries. I moved to Mexico when my both parents had settled in the country. The need to further my education made me to move to United States where I currently reside.
Push and Pull Factors of My Family Migration
According to Domosh and Terry, push factors of migration are the reasons that make people leave a particular area while pull factors are reasons that make people to migrate to a particular area (45). For my grandparents they first moved to urban areas of Mexico in search of employment. Later, they moved from Mexico due to political instability caused by the Mexican Civil War. They migrated to United States due to political security and safety in the country.
My parents migrated to the United States since the World War II had caused labor shortage in the United States. Mexicans were encouraged to do jobs in US by the Bracero Program. Hence, they migrated to the US due to the opportunities the environment offered. Personally, I migrated from Mexico since the Mexican Education prospects were poor. I moved to the United States since their education prospects are...
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