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Museum Exhibit (Essay Sample)

Instructions Directions Students may choose to do a shorter version of this assignment for fewer points, or a longer version for an opportunity to earn additional points. If assignments don't meet the minimum word count for Option A, the assignment will not be graded. If the word count falls between the minimum for Option A and the minimum for Option B, it will be graded on the scale for Option A. If the word count is above the minimum for Option B, it will qualify to potentially earn the maximum number of points. Option A: Minimum Word Count: 250 words Extra Credit Points Possible: 10 points Option B: Minimum Word Count: 500 words Extra Credit Points Possible: 20 points Check for spelling and grammar errors Demonstrate critical thinking and creativity If the assignment contains any content obtained from outside of the course materials, it will receive zero points. Assignment Prompt Imagine that 100 years from now you have to create an exhibit for that would go in a museum dedicated to the year 2023. What would be the theme of the exhibit—in other words, what event, person, or issue would the exhibit be about? What would it look like? What artifacts would be in it? Explain the reasoning behind why chose the theme of the exhibit and the items to include in it. Finally, conclude with a few sentences discussing what this tells you about how we write, or construct, history. IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember, this is about an EXHIBIT in the museum. This is not an explanation of an entire museum. source..
Student's Name Professor's Name Course Code and Name Date Due Museum Exhibit In the year 2023, the world was still reeling from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic had brought the world to a standstill, disrupting the lives of billions of people virtually the globe. It had forced us to transpiration the way we lived, worked and interacted with each other. The pandemic had moreover exposed the deep fault lines in our society, laying yellowish the inequalities that had long existed but had been ignored. If I were to create a walkout for a museum defended to the year 2023, the theme of the walkout would be the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on society. The walkout would be a reflection of the struggles, triumphs, and innovations of people during this time. It would highlight the resilience and ingenuity of human beings in the squatter of adversity. The walkout would be designed to squint like a time capsule, a representation of the year 2023 frozen in time. It would be divided into several sections, each section highlighting a variegated specialty of the pandemic and its impact. The first section would be defended to the frontline workers, the doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers who risked their lives to the superintendency for the sick. This section would showcase their bravery and dedication, highlighting the sacrifices they made to alimony others safe. The second section of the walkout would focus on the impact of the pandemic on the economy. It would full-length artifacts such as empty storefronts, sealed factories, and other signs of economic downturn. The section would moreover showcase the creative ways in which businesses well-timed to the pandemic, such as offering curbside pickup or transitioning to remote work. The third section of the walkout would be defended to the impact of the pandemic on education. This section would full-length artifacts such as online learning platforms, virtual classrooms, and other innovations that emerged during this time. It would moreover highlight the challenges faced by students, teachers, and parents during this time, including the digital divide and the difficulties of learning remotely. The fourth section of the walkout would focus on the impact of the pandemic on mental health. This section would showcase the ways in which people coped with the stress and uneasiness of the pandemic, such as through mindfulness practices or seeking professional help. It would moreover highlight the struggles of people who lost loved ones to the virus and the trauma experienced by frontline workers. The final section of the walkout would be defended the global response to the pandemic. This section would full-length artifacts such as vaccines, masks, and other tools used to gainsay the spread of the virus. It would moreover showcase the collaborations between countries and international organizations to fight the pandemic, highlighting the importance of global cooperation i...
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