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Public Administration (Essay Sample)


Public Administration

Public Administration
Many believe that providing adequate health care is the greatest challenge facing our nation today. What are some of the issues that have led to our healthcare challenges and what solutions do you propose?
Provision of adequate healthcare is one of the major problem faces our nation. First there is the shortage of nurses; there is a tremendous shortage of nurses in the industry such the hospitals tend to cover their patients since the few available nurses cannot keep up with the work. Consequently, this has also created a demand that makes nursing courses very expensive. On a positive note, their salaries have been significantly increased as a result of the demand. Furthermore, immigrants from Mexico cross the border to deliver their babies in United States of America making the cost go up once more. Still, more citizens tend to win lawsuits against hospitals adding more costs to the same.
Secondly, medical for poor people; the health plan works in such a way that the medical institution that treats you is compensated by the government. As much as this is a good idea, it is usually abused by some states when they suffer financial constraints since they the money from that of the medical institutions thereby lowering the doctors’ pay. Doctors end up resigning creating a shortage of doctors. The few doctors that are left are unable to handle the demand creating long waits for the patient. Thirdly, United States citizens who are insured tend to carry a heavy tax burden since not everybody in insured.
Just like any other life's challenge, there is a solution but all stakeholders must be willing to chip in and lead a hand. First, the central government should try and employ more nurses to cover the large demand of patients. This will ease congestion in medical institutions and improve quality and efficiency of the services offered. Secondly, the central government as well as the state government should tighten the security on the Mexican border to ensure that few or no immigrants cross over to the United States. Thirdly, the amount awarded to patients who sue the hospitals when they make a mistake should be reduced, and this will go a long way in the effort to reduce medical costs. In addition, the state governments should look for other ways of generating money to run their states instead of cutting the money meant for the medical institutions. This will ensure that the doctors get their pay on time and in the right amount reducing the issue of resignations. Finally, the national government in collaboration with the state government should ensure that everybody pays medical taxes to reduce tax burdens on those who are already paying. All these challenges can be reduced or eliminated if these propositions are adhered to.
What are the characteristics of well-run, efficient and effective governments? What characterizes those governments that are not managed effectively?
Good decision-making is one of the most importance characteristics of well-run, efficient and effective governments. Elected officials are always under the watchful eye of the public since they are answerable to them hence the decisions they make is crucial to their future in that office. The decisions these elected officials make determines how the taxes the citizens pay will be allocated the decisions made should be well thought-out hence.
In addition, efficient governments have excellent strategies for tackling emerging issues. Before handling a problem certain questions need to be answered for instance, what is the problem, what should be done concerning the challenge, how long it will take to fix the problem, as well as what steps should be taken to ensure that the problem does not occur again. Nobody likes it when they face problems, and the government is not an exception. Governments ensure that these problems are identified and handled early mostly by professionals who know exactly what they are doing. These ensure that the media does not make a big deal out of the problems by claiming that the government is not performing.
There should be an efficient separation of power between the executive, judiciary as well as the legislature to guarantee that none interferes with the functions of the other. For instance, superior court judges hold very prominent positions in the American society since their role is crucial to the legal American legal system hence they should be allowed to work independently.
Another characteristic of a good government is the budget. A good and efficient government should ensure that the amount being received should be more that it is spending. This shows that no money is wasted. Furthermore, enough money should be allocated for developments to guarantee that the country continues to grow hence boosting the economy.
Excellent governments devote and invest in technology. Any government that wants to take its country forward must be conscious of the benefits that come with the adoption of technology in every sector of the economy. They try to boost these sectors by encouraging banks to offer people loans to invest in new technology since it ensures that things are not only done faster but also efficiently. Finally, good governments set aside finances for the rainy day, so to speak, in case of unplanned events like natural calamities. Saving ensures that the government does not result to borrowing from other nations thereby sinking the country into debt.
On the contrary, if the government is not run properly then it is destined to fail. First, bad governments ignore infrastructure. They fail to realize that infrastructure is the backbone of any nation. They tend to postpone any maintenance of the roads making transport a headache for the citizens. Secondly, they do not put their weight on technology. These governments just want to get by and leave the office instead of focusing and allocating finances in buying the latest state of the art technology to improve efficiency in their respective governments. Thirdly, bad administrations only plan from year to year. They fail to think of the long time plans that are fundamental to the future of the country or state. Fourthly, bad governments do not bother to reduce the cost of labor. When the situation becomes dire, then they end up borrowing and selling their asset to settle the debts instead of cutting costs. For instance, California is in a lot of debts such that it cannot support itself without borrowing chiefly because of bad management. Finally, officials of the...
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