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The US History (Essay Sample)

Dear freelancer, please read chapter 9, 11, 12 of the textbook and answer the following questions below. Chapter 9 1) Section 9.1 explains that : At the end of the eighteenth century, most American families lived in candlelit homes with bare floors and unadorned walls, cooked and warmed themselves over fireplaces, and owned few changes of clothing. All manufactured goods were made by hand and, as a result, were usually scarce and fairly expensive. The automation of the manufacturing process changed that, making consumer goods that had once been thought of as luxury items widely available for the first time. Going from hand produced goods to mass production changes every aspect of our lives. America went through a massive change & technological growth spurt in this new industrialization era. 4) With further movement westward, the US enters a turbulent era with several different issues. Waging war against Mexico with territory disputes, families and settlers moving westward to establish a new life in territory that was unknown to Americans, slaves vs. free states. All this combined is a national struggle towards gaining all former territory that did not belong to the US and therefore created a united states of America, as well as grappling with the issue of slavery in new territory gained from Mexico. It's not only a state issue, but a national problem as well making its way to the Supreme Court. As you read through the rest of these sections, use these key terms to briefly describe (a couple sentences each) about what is happening in this era: Californios, Compromise of 1850, forty-niners, Free-Soil Party, Missouri Compromise, Wilmot Proviso, and the Tallmadge Amendment 1) Give examples throughout the chapter as to what new technological innovations occurred and how this affected the nation. 2) With labor, comes division of classes. Division of classes creates a separation of wealth which can lead to anything from revolts, political candidates running to solve problems, unions, extreme uneven distribution of wealth in neighborhoods/schools. Section 9.4 talks about this issue of the separation of classes. What does it say about the working class? elite class? Chapter 11 3) Section 11. 1 Territory! At the very beginning of this course, we discussed different European countries which lay claim to Native American land from east coast to west coast. Give details as to what the Louisiana Purchase was and the issue behind the Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819. This particular issue of land will be connected right in the next section as we read about the fight over whether newly formed US states will be a slave state, or a free state (no slaves prohibited). This class will lead to the Civil War. 4) With further movement westward, the US enters a turbulent era with several different issues. Waging war against Mexico with territory disputes, families and settlers moving westward to establish a new life in territory that was unknown to Americans, slaves vs. free states. All this combined is a national struggle towards gaining all former territory that did not belong to the US and therefore created a united states of America, as well as grappling with the issue of slavery in new territory gained from Mexico. It's not only a state issue, but a national problem as well making its way to the Supreme Court. source..
Student’s Name: Instructor: Course: Date: The US History Question One The emergence of early industrialization led to radical changes to the life of the Americans. New towns emerged as well, such as Lowell and Waltham. The mills enhanced people's living standards by providing jobs to young men and women. As a result, most workers gained a better opportunity to experience a liberating life (Scott et al 218). Thus, the world completely changed and became more organized. The transportation revolution in the united states made it easy for people to travel vastly. Since the Americans practiced agriculture, transportation became possible to ship their manufactured goods worldwide. In addition, the development of roads and railroads made it easy for people to travel to towns for employment opportunities. In the nineteenth century, selling off public domains was a significant feature. As a result, most people ventured into the business, resulting in an economic panic. Similarly, In 1982, there was an economic recovery to boost the country's growth (Scott et al 226). People who had invested much in entrepreneurship, technological improvements, and business ventures, produced the best world wonders that transformed the life of the Americans. Question two The creation of class division in the United States led to striking on emerging cultural developments. The wealthy merchants who had previously inherited money favors distanced themselves far from manufacturing leaders(Scott et al 238). The elicit group only socialized with the growing middle-class people regardless of acquiring their wealth. Elicit the government excluded people who had inherited any wealth possession from attending any social clubs in the Newyork city. The middle-class people highly valued work education and consumption. Besides, middle-class people devoted their energies intensely to advancing and maintaining their social status. Middle-class women their job was to take care of children, maintain cleanness, and keep the house in order; thus, they did not work for any wages (Scott et al 238). In addition, middle-class women performed the duty of maintaining discipline among their children. The wage workers created their society by working in mill villages and industrial cities. In addition, the lack of enough capital prevented the lower-class people from providing education to their children and could not advance their economic ladder (Scott et al., 239). Wage workers were also very hostile to abolishing slavery with the fear of creating more job competition for black people. Question Three The Louisiana Purchase involved endless stretches of land that included Spanish Texas. However, the Spanish government did not agree with the Louisiana purchases. Therefore, the government solved the disagreement by signing the Adams Onis Treaty by the US government. Generally, the Adams Onis Treaty intended to solve the Florida scandal. Initially, the Spanish presented several difficulties to their neighbors. The problems resulted due to the original settlements by American colonies. However, the Adams treaty did not lay any claims of Texas, and thus a majority of people criticized the accord. In California, early industrialization was innovated by James and John, who built sawmills. The mills created jobs for most people that were jobless. In addition, the mills provided better opportunities to experience for both young people and women. As a result, new freedom for the Americans began. Many people thus sailed t...
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