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Liberty (Essay Sample)

The text investigates the diverse manifestations of liberty, including sexual freedom, political independence, and religious freedom. It refutes the idea that liberty means unrestrained fulfilment without consequences, emphasizing the importance of conscientious behavior and personal development. It explores the discrimination faced by women in asserting their sexuality, highlighting their defiance of societal constraints and their autonomy over their bodies. The discussion also covers political liberation as the understanding and exercise of constitutional rights, empowering individuals to identify and address prejudice legally. The principle of religious freedom promotes pursuing personal beliefs without external influence, emphasizing independent examination and selection of convictions. The passage concludes by emphasizing how different forms of liberation enable individuals to pursue happiness while upholding justice and promoting personal growth and independence. source..
Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Liberty Many people define the term liberty differently. The majority take the word to mean doing whatever a person pleases without a care in the world. To me, such a definition pushes people to act irresponsibly and get into trouble with everyone else. Acting as one pleases is also a recipe for breaking the law sometimes. In my take, liberty means breaking away from societal norms that control behavior in a manner that promotes independent thinking as opposed to the group mentality, which can be detrimental to personal growth. Different forms of liberation exist to empower individuals to make choices that achieve the greatest personal satisfaction and happiness regardless of what society thinks. Sexual liberation is one of the most controversial topics the world over. For the longest time, women have always faced stigma when they openly express their sexuality. For instance, a woman blatantly expressing her sexual desires and proceeding to satisfy those needs with multiple partners has always earned her labels such as prostitute, loose, immoral, among others. The modern woman, however, is going against such restrictions and is shamelessly choosing to have sexual relations with whomever she wants. In her defense, she claims that her body is her business and only she can choose what to do with it. Society has no choice but to adjust to the current state of affairs since the name-calling only works to strengthen the liberated woman’s pursuit of sexual freedom. Political liberation is another expression of liberty where people can enjoy their full rights under the law. A politically liberated individual fully understands their rights and freedoms stipulated in the Constitution. They are not intimidated by social and religious norms that go against their rights. For example, if a politically liberated man is gay, he understands that he should never face discrimination at any place in the country based on his sexual orientation. Therefore, he will likely identify any form of discrimination early enough and take the necessary steps to end the vice, even if that means filing lawsuits. In other words, a politically liberated citizen is a highly empowered individual who will never allow anything to stop him/her from enjoying their freedoms. Religious liberty is also another crucial form of liberation. In a religiously liberated state, the government does not interfere in the religious affairs of its citizens. Therefore, individuals are free to profess any religion. At the same time, liberty allows people to profess no faith (Gill 78). Religious liberation for individuals leaves no room for ignorance (Gill 79). People keenly study various religions to uncover the truth for themselves. A person then chooses what religion to be...
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