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Solutions to smoking Marijuana. Life Sciences Essay (Essay Sample)


An analysis of solutions to smoking marijuana


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Solutions to Smoking Marijuana
Marijuana use is rampant in the community. There are a number of dangers which are associated with smoking marijuana. The possible detriments which are derived from smoking weed are way higher than some of the perceived benefits. However, all is not lost for the members of the community who could be hooked to smoking marijuana. There are a number of approaches which could be pivotal in enabling an individual to overcome the addiction.
One of the most ideal solution towards overcoming the use of marijuana may involve the cold turkey approach. The approach basically refers to the process of simply halting your smoking habit. In most of the cases, the initiative to stop smoking marijuana comes from an individual. They may first begin by minimizing the quantity of marijuana that they use in a day. They would gradually reduce the quantity smoked till to a point where they no longer have to smoke in a day (Shrier &Lydia, Pg. 3). The approach is mostly viable for individuals who have the ability to set game plans and stick to their plans. If one would be able to avoid smoking for longer durations, then it may be possible for them to completely overcome the urge to smoke weed.

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